Modified Guest Posting Policy

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Post by sleepyinsunnyvale » Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:39 am

I don't have an issue with this new policy especially since it doesn't apply to me. I never posted as Guest and not sure why I ever would.

One question though, how does this work with dynamic IP addressing? If one operates with such a system is it still possible to track a post to a user?

I also find it interesting that a few short weeks ago Spammers were the target of much nasty posts (and deservedly so, perhaps). Now that they are gone some on the board turned their venom to other ligit posters. For some reason they seem to feel the need to malign someone. I guess it better than kicking the dog (or so my dog tells me).

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Post by needingu » Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:57 am

Good deterrent.
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Love you neighbor (poster) as you love yourself and dream on........
Walk in peace.
We can all be angels to one another. ..., the little whisper that says,Go. Ask. Reach out. The world will be a better place for it. And wherever they are, the angels will dance."


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:15 am

"forumadmin": Greetings CPAPtalkers,

...................................................(1.)Effective tomorrow and into the future, we're printing the names of registered users whose IPs match guest posts. ...................................................................................(2.)For now, we're not printing the names of historical guest posts. If the name calling doesn't stop, we will.
........................................ (3.) Please remember when you arrived on CPAPtalk and how it made you feel.

Dear Johnny,

Regarding your first point. I think it is unfortunate that you have to do this but I will not question your judgment in making this decision. I usually ignore the name calling but for others maybe the forum will be improved.

Regarding point two, since I joined CPAPtalk, I made some friends by way of Private Messages and we traded email addresses, phone numbers and actual identities. During this time, I have made some guest posts about my condition that I have never revealed to anyone but my wife. These posts were particularly about the mental anquish I suffered while going for many years undiagnosed/misdiagnosed with severe sleep apnea. If you follow thought on your threat to print names of historical guest posts, you will reveal a part of my medical history that I never intended to share with anyone but my wife.

Regarding point three, I do remember how I felt when I made those guest posts and I also remember how good it felt when the CPAPtalk community responded positively offering much needed encouragement and advice.

I respectfully request that you withdraw your threat to print the Usernames of historical guest posts.

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Post by dllfo » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:31 am

Thank you sir. I like that.

I admit I have posted as "Guest" a few times, but it was not to "flame" anyone,
it has to do with the concept that my IQ peaked when I was 16 and has been
in free fall since.

Mask: Mirage Swift™ II Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Software: Encore Smart Card Reader - USB
Additional Comments: EPAP 8, MIN IPAP 11, MAX IPAP 30, Encore Pro 1.8.65, Oxygen, Heliox
Installing Software is like pushing a rope uphill.
I have Encore Pro 1.8.65 but could not find it listed
under software.

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Post by rested gal » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:57 am

sleepyinsunnyvale wrote:I don't have an issue with this new policy especially since it doesn't apply to me. I never posted as Guest and not sure why I ever would.
I made one post as a Guest in a purely humorous thread where many were inventing a silly name to keep the fun going. Other than that, I've never posted as a guest. So, nothing about this new policy affects me one way or the other.

However, I had not thought about this point:
Guest wrote:I have made some guest posts about my condition that I have never revealed to anyone but my wife. These posts were particularly about the mental anquish I suffered while going for many years undiagnosed/misdiagnosed with severe sleep apnea. If you follow thought on your threat to print names of historical guest posts, you will reveal a part of my medical history that I never intended to share with anyone but my wife.

Regarding point three, I do remember how I felt when I made those guest posts and I also remember how good it felt when the CPAPtalk community responded positively offering much needed encouragement and advice.

I respectfully request that you withdraw your threat to print the Usernames of historical guest posts.
I'm sure this is not the only registered person who chose to use Guest privilege to speak about their medical history or other personal matters. In light of that, I agree that registered names should never be revealed on past guest posts.

If a problem comes up with a user in the future, surely the admin can deal with that one-on-one without harming innocent past guest/registered posters.

I have no problem with the part of the policy going forward that will put the registered name with guest posts. Sorry to see it had to come to that, but no problem.

Johnny, I was very glad you kept the open door policy for unregistered guests who might feel more comfortable starting on a board that way.
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Post by Snoozin' Bluezzz » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:00 pm

I think rooster has made the most persuasive argument of anyone here for the validity of guest posting and not exposing anonymous posts. His comment really moved me and I am confident that his honesty about how he felt and suffered had to help at least one other. Without the veil of anonymity he would not have been willing to share what he did and that would have been a loss for all of us. I would be surprised if there were not others who have been more honest and true as guests than they would have been under their forum "handle". It does seem that this forum can lead to friendships and acquaintances beyond the forum where such a disclosure might make someone uncomfortable.

Only go straight, don't know.


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:17 pm

Snoozin' Bluezzz wrote:"I think XX has made the most persuasive argument of anyone here for the validity of guest posting and not exposing anonymous posts."
I'm doing this as a test. I suspect that the author of the "persuasive post" is our first registered member to post as a guest, and be identified through the new system. He doesn't say anywhere in his post who he is, his member name shows below guest. It's interesting that it only shows like that when I'm logged in.

Bella who is a member and just wanted to test how this works.

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Post by neversleeps » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:34 pm

TXKajun wrote:Johnny, don't forget that even the best of families have quarrels now and then! But things work out, especially with a fair, guiding hand at the head of the family!

Thanks for a great forum!

I agree, Kajun. I think sometimes we take for granted how lucky we are the forum admin so fiercely preserves the freedom to post anonymously and the freedom to post on subjects the other CPAP boards won't allow. Johnny Goodman has had to do some fancy footwork as the head of this family to ensure guests would continue to have the ability to post here-- first, when he was confronted with getting rid of the spam problem, and now with this situation. I imagine it would have been a lot simpler for him to throw up his arms in disgust and give up on permitting anonymous posts. But, to his credit, he didn't bow to the pressure.

The in-fighting problem pops up now and again and, after some prolonged bickering, it seems to resolve itself. As a parent, I equate it to allowing children to work out their problems on their own without intervening-- unless they get physical with one another. Luckily, this is just an internet message board and not the playground, so no one can physically harm anyone else. Hurt feelings are a different story, but as adults we know they are a part of life, they'll come and go until the day we die, they aren't life-threatening, and our strength of character and thickness of skin is our best defense.

The crazy thing is, when the immature noncpap-related stuff arises, it would quickly disappear if we didn't participate in it. Even though we claim to find it reprehensible, we can't seem to restrain ourselves from taking sides or adding our 2 cents-- kind of like I'm doing now! Suddenly the thread is 6 pages long, has a life of its own and is out of control. We unwittingly perpetuate it by insisting on giving our opinion of how we feel about what someone (or several someones) said. I know I’ve done it. Even though we may mean well, we contribute to the angst and then blame it on the other guy. We further compound the problem by coming back to it and adding how disgusted we are that it just won’t end. I know I’ve done it. How dumb is that! Some people even go so far as to start new threads about the other contentious thread, spawning even more hostility. We do it to ourselves. Human nature I guess.

Imagine what would happen if we had the self-control not to get sucked in; if we just ignored it. The thread would sit there. And sit there. And sit there until it fell off the page. The person who tried to pick the fight would get no reaction and be stopped dead in their tracks. The flames aren’t fanned and they go out.

Next time it happens (and of course, there will be a next time) I’m going to do my best to bite my tongue and walk away. (Which, as you have probably surmised from the length of this post, will be no small feat!) If we all did that, the problem would take care of itself.

Stepping off the soap box now.

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let members know about guest matches?

Post by Mile High Sleeper » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:39 pm

Will there be some place to let new people know that when they register, if they ever post a message as guest, their nickname will be linked?

What about current members who don't read this post? How will they be notified? Please at least make this a stickie announcement.

Mask: Ultra Mirage™ Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: SleepZone heated hose, PAPillow, bed wedge, Grossan Hydro-Mate, SnuggleHose, AIEOMed Everest w/ hh, battery pack, DC cord, PadACheek, Headrest pillows
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Post by unclebob » Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:14 pm


You get caught up in other stuff and and you miss all the fun here. I wish you guys would alert me when all the action and drama starts to unfold. Of particular interest is the name calling and the use of colorful phrases to describe other people and their actions. This is helpful to remind me I'm not the biggest jerk in the world, but if I choose to be, this would be good ammunition for my repertoire.

I am a dolt when it come to computers so I have this question regarding "Guest" posters. If we can identify users posting as guests, why can't we simply stop these posts when they happen? So instead of showing which registered user is posting as Guest, simply not post the post at all.

Sort of hate to get in overkill mode for the sake of just a few insecure nuts.

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Post by SelfSeeker » Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:41 pm

Hello Johnny,

I am glad you are taking action.

Too bad it had to come to this.

There is a need for guest posts. Somethings may be pricate/personal to post with a name, but need feed back. Now these kind of post will not be posted.

Mask: Hybrid Full Face CPAP Mask with Nasal Pillows and Headgear
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Post by dsm » Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:16 pm


The problem with turning up days late to a fireworks display, is only a problem if you have fireworks of your own you want to ignite

One of the problems then being the surpise on peoples faces if you do so


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Post by Vader » Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:41 pm

In light of Roosters concerns, I have to agree with Rested Gal also, that it would be a really BAD IDEA to make your new guesting policy retroactive.

The new policy is probably a pretty good idea, but going retro could be bad for the reasons they mentioned, and it may quite possibly rekindle old flame wars, and that's something we definitely don't need here.

Sure hope the present idea works!



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Post by cwsanfor » Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:51 pm

I'm one of those who have suggested to Johnny that he regulate guest posting going forward, but IMHO, and upon consideration of rooster's issue, I'd suggest we let bygones be, if possible, and move forward with this new, and I think, well thought-out system, unless problems arise.

I've never had reason to post as a guest, and have never done so intentionally, but others may have such a need.

I certainly applaud the Goodmans for this change, and for all they do.

Mask: Mirage Quattro™ Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Auto C-Flex backup; CF2, HC431/2, UMFF, and Hybrid masks; SnuggleHose; Aussie Heated Hose; PadACheek; SPO 7500 Oximeter.


Post by Guest » Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:53 pm

Sorry, but I just had to try this thing.