Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

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Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by WakingKnowledge » Sat Oct 10, 2020 3:40 pm

I have been using a cpap machine for about a year now but recently I had been waking up with headaches, terrible Sternum, Back and rib pain, basically Costochondritis for three days straight.
Each day was worse than the next and the palpitations got worse. The ribs and sternum were very sore but would generally go away after a few hours of getting up. I could not take it
anymore so I came here to get some ideas. I needed to get the bottom of it and fix my problem.

First thing I did was learn how to hack my machine. I am using a Resmed autoset 10. Here is how one unlocks the clinical settings.
Now I could see all the settings that were hidden from me and I could tweak them if needed. In order to ever think about tweaking them I needed to have my data and study it and understand
it. On these forums, I learned about OSCAR and downloaded it. After removing the memory chip from the cpap unit and downloading the data to OSCAR on my PC, I was ready to study the data.
God knows the doctors don't have time for this. :lol:

After studding the data from the three days I had really bad pain, the issue was plain as day. Each one of those days I had major mask leaks over 30. From the chart data, these leaks lasted for over
an hour while I was still asleep! :shock: Gee, I wonder why I was so sore! To confirm this was causing the pain, I put my mask on and ran a mask fit test and then started moving around like I do when I sleep.
The large leaking started right away and so did the pain and massive heart palpitations. I was doing this as an awake experiment. Since the mask was leaking so badly, it created a vacuum of space
where you could not breathe. So in order to breathe, your body had to work very hard to fight against the machine to breathe since all the breathable air was forced out through the leak!
This is what causes the pain and soreness. Your lungs are working overtime and so is your heart. They are all pounding on your ribs / chest. This causes the Costochondritis. Now we know the cause,
we can fix it.

I laid back down and put the full face mask back on and ran the mask fit test lying down. You have to run it lying down because of gravity! I moved into position #1 lying on my left side. The leak was massive.
One has to tighten the left strap until this leak is gone to zero. Move your head up and down to mimic sleeping movement. Tighten more if you need to stop the leak. Repeat the same procedure for lying on your
back and for lying on your right side. On the right side you tighten the right strap. On your back you tighten both straps. You may also have to move the mask up and down on your face as well. Basically do all
positions until there are no leaks for every body position. I recommend doing the fit every night before bed. Any leak is a bad leak IMHO. Ever since I did my leak fix, I have had zero leaks and no Costochondritis
or pain of any kind. No more headaches either. I do admit it took a few days for some of the pains to resolve 100% but they did.

I also suggest you study your charts and find out what the highest pressure your machine goes to every night without major leaks and set your highest pressure to a point or too higher. The reason for this is the mask
fit test works at the highest pressure you have set. 20 is usually way to much for most people and if your machine leaks the pressure will go higher pressures to compensate. This makes all the pain worse. It is better for
you to just be forced to wakeup and fix the issue. If you stop breathing for too long your body will wake you up.

Hopefully this will help any of you suffering the same issue. It is also interesting to note that this leaking problem also caused my frozen shoulder (left). My body seemed to know that if I moved during sleep, big
problems occurred so it kept me very still the best it could. Hence, it froze my shoulder. That is now fixed as well for the most part. Still needs some more therapy to unlock it 100%. The improvement of the
shoulder is at least 95%.

My only reason for writing this was in hopes that it would help people in a similar predicament. God Bless!

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by LSAT » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:18 pm

I did it...I "hacked" the system....

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by Julie » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:31 pm

For the record, if any newbies are reading... you don't have to hack anything to get the clinical manuals of the machines. Just go to, look for the list of machines and when you find yours, download the clinician's manual (they're almost all listed and have been for years) and make all the changes you want. Ridiculous. :roll:

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by WakingKnowledge » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:39 pm

Julie wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:31 pm
For the record, if any newbies are reading... you don't have to hack anything to get the clinical manuals of the machines. Just go to, look for the list of machines and when you find yours, download the clinician's manual (they're almost all listed and have been for years) and make all the changes you want. Ridiculous. :roll:
I just chose the word hack but your not hacking anything like a computer you are just pressing the correct button sequence to unlock the whole menu. it would be the same instructions as posted in the clinician's manual. You are one of those people that just try to find something bad in a post just to troll right :lol: I am trying to be helpful to people and all you are is a bad distraction.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by WakingKnowledge » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:50 pm

Julie wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:41 pm
Sorry if I distracted your ego.
You are the true definition of a Troll. I don't have much of an ego. Just purely wanted to help people after I partly solved my own problem. Now at the risk of being rude please don't highjack this thread with your bullshit.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by Julie » Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:20 pm

At the risk of not much at all I might suggest to the moderator that you be kept from posting here if you can't clean up your act.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by WakingKnowledge » Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:23 pm

Julie wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:20 pm
At the risk of not much at all I might suggest to the moderator that you be kept from posting here if you can't clean up your act.
Your the one who needs help lady, psychological help. I hope you get it soon. Mental health is just as important as physical health. I just added you to my ignore list, so I can't read anything you write from this point on.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by WakingKnowledge » Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:47 pm

LSAT wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:18 pm
I did it...I "hacked" the system....

No, whatever genius wrote OSCAR hacked the system. Thank you to whoever wrote it.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by ejfrie » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:11 pm

this was an excellent post (ignoring the hacking tangent). I have suffered from costochondritis since I was a kid usually from rib strain like bench pressing, carrying heavy things near my chest, and just lived with it on the doctor's advice. Recently as now a geezer but still in excellent shape, I was trying to figure out why the costochondritis and raw lungs just started. I had a leak in my water chamber so I had to bypass it to connect directly the Philips Respironics dream station. I noticed it was louder and much more responsive. After using for a week while I got a new chamber, I was getting chest pains and recently raw lungs. I run regularly and have VO2 max of 51 so I doubt I have a bad heart. I will be calling my health pro to solve these problems.
(I am new to this forum but have been using the CPAP for four years.)

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by DreamStalker » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:34 pm

WakingKnowledge wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:23 pm
Julie wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:20 pm
At the risk of not much at all I might suggest to the moderator that you be kept from posting here if you can't clean up your act.
Your the one who needs help lady, psychological help. I hope you get it soon. Mental health is just as important as physical health. I just added you to my ignore list, so I can't read anything you write from this point on.
Actually she's the forum stasi who reports anyone the mob disagrees with to the moderator for cancel culture reprimands -- and of course, cancelling liberty minded forum members.

If you want to know how the forum got this way, this old video of Orwell's book may help ....
President-pretender, J. Biden, said "the DNC has built the largest voter fraud organization in US history". Too bad they didn’t build the smartest voter fraud organization and got caught.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by Pugsy » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:58 pm

Sigh.....I know what Stasi means and it's a veiled reference to Nazi.

Knock it off DreamStalker. We've already been down the Nazi discussion road. It's not going to be allowed to continue.

We have banned forum members in the past just because of disruptive behavior to the forum in general. Creating a not so pleasant environment to the forum as a whole. From the votes in my inbox as to what/how members feel about your are fast approaching that designation.

And it wasn't me who did the was Carolyn and not only were they banned but their entire record here was erased.

I suggest you quit poking the bear because you might not like what happens once the bear decides enough is enough.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by DreamStalker » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:35 pm

Pugsy wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:58 pm
Sigh.....I know what Stasi means and it's a veiled reference to Nazi.

Knock it off DreamStalker. We've already been down the Nazi discussion road. It's not going to be allowed to continue.

We have banned forum members in the past just because of disruptive behavior to the forum in general. Creating a not so pleasant environment to the forum as a whole. From the votes in my inbox as to what/how members feel about your are fast approaching that designation.

And it wasn't me who did the was Carolyn and not only were they banned but their entire record here was erased.

I suggest you quit poking the bear because you might not like what happens once the bear decides enough is enough.
I've been away from the forum for a long while. Things have obviously changed a lot around here: like all of these hidden rules and banned words and tones that only apply to unknown forum members because some members are obviously exempt from breaking the rules and personal name calling and I'm obviously not one of those exempt members -- instead I am one of the recipients of the personal attacks and false accusations (I've been called a moron, stupid, venomous creep, tin hat,and falsely accused as a racist by the mob in a previous posts). I can show you 1000's of threads as evidence. I've been a member of this forum longer than you -- although that does not in any way take away from your extensive knowledge and generous time/effort spent helping others, I've contributed help to others as well.

And although I know that people have been cancelled in the past, this is the first time I've heard of secret ballot elections to cancel such people. Without a trial I assume? And now the forum has a bear? Who's the bear?

Here is the deal. I see plenty of forum members who are allowed to post whatever they want. I also see that there is a special group of members who are allowed attack anyone they disagree with without intervention or laying of the hidden laws. Finally, I have not falsely accuse anyone -- did Julie not report me to you? Why is it that only a special clique gets to have fun and joke around on any thread they want including participating in mob rule attacks (more often against newbies) without any fallout? I don't attack and threaten newbies but there is a mob on the forum who do it on a daily basis including this thread.

Perhaps a list of rules, banned words and topics, special club memberships for exempt status and how to become one, more transparency for the secret ballot elections to ban those not exempt from hidden rules?

The only veiled references I use are the hidden truths I write in response to a forum member post. If that is "poking the bear" then it is what it is.

Do what you have to. I'll follow the new rules as they are revealed to me but I will not take a knee or raise a fist in solidarity to the mob rule.
President-pretender, J. Biden, said "the DNC has built the largest voter fraud organization in US history". Too bad they didn’t build the smartest voter fraud organization and got caught.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by Pugsy » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:16 pm

DreamStalker wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:35 pm
- did Julie not report me to you?
No, she did not. Someone else did that didn't like your tone. It wasn't Julie that had the problem with the Nazi crap. It was someone else. Julie has never actually reported anyone for disagreeing with her. She's quite capable of fighting her own battles.

The "bear" is the overall forum consciousness and atmosphere. It's a collective majority.
That majority has spoken in the past...maybe while you were absent from the forum and you didn't see what happened but the collective majority doesn't appreciate disruption to the forum in general. They get a vote as well. Those who disrupted the forum and caused an unpleasant atmosphere (per the collective majority) were banned and all their past posts were removed.

The general consensus right now about you and your overall "tone" are in a very small minority of one.
All of the votes in my inbox have been "ban his ass and remove all his posts" " he's making the forum an unpleasant place to be" or similar wording.

I repeat...Nazi or any similar reference to anything that refers to Nazi and/or labeling someone as offends people here. It offends more people than you might think and it is upsetting to those people. It will not be tolerated. Further such references will be removed.

Have a nice day.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Does Your Sternum, ribs or Back Hurt When You Wake? Here is the Solution That Worked For me.

Post by DreamStalker » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:51 pm

Pugsy wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:16 pm
DreamStalker wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:35 pm
- did Julie not report me to you?
No, she did not. Someone else did that didn't like your tone. It wasn't Julie that had the problem with the Nazi crap. It was someone else. Julie has never actually reported anyone for disagreeing with her. She's quite capable of fighting her own battles.

The "bear" is the overall forum consciousness and atmosphere. It's a collective majority.
That majority has spoken in the past...maybe while you were absent from the forum and you didn't see what happened but the collective majority doesn't appreciate disruption to the forum in general. They get a vote as well. Those who disrupted the forum and caused an unpleasant atmosphere (per the collective majority) were banned and all their past posts were removed.

The general consensus right now about you and your overall "tone" are in a very small minority of one.
All of the votes in my inbox have been "ban his ass and remove all his posts" " he's making the forum an unpleasant place to be" or similar wording.

I repeat...Nazi or any similar reference to anything that refers to Nazi and/or labeling someone as offends people here. It offends more people than you might think and it is upsetting to those people. It will not be tolerated. Further such references will be removed.

Have a nice day.
Like the TV series Survivor, the bear has spoken and at some point there will be no overall tones to vote on, the mob will turn on itself, and then nobody will be left to vote off the forum and the show will be over. Already the traffic volume of threads and posts on this forum is less than 1/10th what it used to be just a few years ago. So maybe another year or two?

Anyway, my overall "tone" is who I am, overall. If the votes are in, and I'm the very small minority of one who lost -- then I guess the mob wins. I'm not emotionally or sentimentally attached to my 7,500+ posts, because I'm able to generate them at will from my very own overall tone. So having my posts removed in no way puts the fear of the bear in me if that's what the bear expects my overall tone to become. Bear = mob and mob = bear. :wink:

BTW- If you take a look and see a few posts above, you will see where Julie threatened to report a newbie to the moderator to be banned simply for expressing his/her own opinion in his/her own thread -- and soon after my post you were on this thread doing exactly what I posted would happen. Just saying.

I will have a nice day, it's Friday. It's time to BBQ another couple of racks of chicken ribs!

And best wishes to your mom, she is very lucky to have you at her side.
President-pretender, J. Biden, said "the DNC has built the largest voter fraud organization in US history". Too bad they didn’t build the smartest voter fraud organization and got caught.