can cppap help concussions

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can cppap help concussions

Post by sleepyjane » Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:16 am

what about auto bipap.

Someone told me this when I inquired about concussions.

I was in a car wreck three weeks ago at a 50-55 mph impact to driver side of car. Front air bag deployed. Suffered a concussion and no memory of the accident but 3 second flashback of the three seconds before apparent impact..(I remember turning my head and seeing someone coming at me at a very high rate of speed and thinking floor it to avoid impact and remember flexing my foot and maybe getting in a split second to second of thing I knew they were cutting me out of car..that second saved my life as he turned right into me to his right to avoid me and that split second made the back seat area take the blunt instead of my body but still the front door in they said a foot but I remember more like 6 inches..hard to tell as var center rod cut and doors in separate areas peeled up like a sardine can).

I am having abdominal pain that began after release from hospital on maybe the 4th day...I felt like vomiting all day,,suffered from grabby, grippy pains and spasms and some nausea getting bad on the 4th day..I had thought this was due to food poisoning as I drank some reduced eggnog, but only had diarrhea one day,,then I thought it was due to concussion so checked with hospital who told me nothing about any injuries and never saw a doctor at this awful hospital that killed my mom 4 months ago after the ER. When they told me on the phone all the areas they cat scanned and xrayed, I heard they did the head and brain so I figured I did not have a concussion as no-one had told me I did. I was unconsciousness but no idea how long..I suspect at least 5 minutes as awoke sometime when several firemen were cutting me out of the car and I was trying to figure out where I was..
so then I ruled out concussion as the source of the nausea and stomach pain..on 4th day, the pain increased in intensity and was in an area about size of small seedless watermelon..Also I then was told it may be the percocet for pain and three pharmacist said this was a common side felt something more was going on..he also recommended I get an anti-emetic but the doctor would not call it in without seeing me and I had no transportation to get there (liability only, disabled, no bus line or money) and so I asked what about a natural anti-emetic like ginger ..he said I was going to say that one so I drank ginger tea with anise and another anti-emetic herb I had and finally went to sleep.

I awoke 2 hours later in intense pain that increased to an area like 2 watermelons or so..called sister --she said go 9-11..I asked her to come get me as id not want to call 911..when I tried to take a shower, I got so dizzy and strange feelings of pressure in my head and I think ringing of wears and I thought I was going to die or faint right there..I struggled to get to the door and nearly did no make it and then to get dressed..several more of these feelings right nothing I ever had in my life hit me..I knew something was seriously wrong. Neighbors came out as I was moaning with pain and looked bad and they said I was very did intense pain on way to hospital thinking I was dying and telling her all medical stuff and last family messages very hospital they did an ultrasound and said I was bleeding internally and then cat scan and said I had a lacerated spleen and liver and doctor rode with me to a trauma hospital and said it was a "done deal" when I said I did not want spleen and part of liver is coming out she said..but after a long time at the other hospital and more ultrasounds the doctor there said they decided not to remove the liver and to wait on the spleen as I had stabilized and maybe it was a grade2 instead of grade 3..I was so relieved and thy admitted me for 4 days or so and observed me and I left organs intact and then had to go back to ER next night in a lot of abdominal and rib/spleen pain...but this time instead of blood pressure dropping 60 points, it was up very high..highest I ever had (I think I was very anxious)..I found out later that when I had tried to take a shower and get to the hospital, I was actually going into Hypovolaemic shock and could have had organ shutdown that ER could not fix it I got there any saved again (I was told I missed death by one second or one foot slower by several who saw the car) and missed potential paralysis or head injury by striking driver's door (I was unbelted) by a Christmas tree box stopping me from flying into passenger door. I am so lucky to be alive and injured worst o minus organs.

Anyway, er recatscanned me and said no change..and released..I stopped all pain pills somewhere in there..none for maybe 5 or 6 days and most of the nausea went away..they said the blood front he "significant bleeding" will irritate my abdominal cavity where it flowed around all the internal organs for undetermined amount of time.

I have noticed when I drank the ginger tea, it caused belching and each belch made me feel ever so slightly better. I wake up in pain some is due to bruised ribs and fractured back and neck and sprains but some is focused in abdominal region and stomach pains that make me moan..later in the day it gets better.

could the pressured air from the autobipap be pumping air into my stomach that is traumatized from impact and be causing some type of gad pains. (no increase in bowel gas) and that is why my stomach hurts..maybe not initially (I do think some was percocet) but maybe now..

also can c-pap help increase oxygen to the brain and thus help concussion heal faster.



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Post by ozij » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:36 am

You really should ask your doctors how and when you should use your new BiPAP® Auto M Series with Bi-Flex.

It's the best machine around for giving you the gentlest treatment possible - but it will take a specialist to consider all your injuries and decide if you should use it now.

I doubt anyone of us can give you a valid thought on that...

I hope you feel better soon.



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Auto accident

Post by Guest » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:31 am

Hi SleepyJane. Wow, you've been thru it - glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been and that you received needed care, though delayed. Hope you are on the mend. I was thinking about your question regarding if cpap could help a concussion by getting more oxygen to the brain... even googled and looked around a bit, but couldn't find anything of substance.

Just from thinking it through, cpap treatment delivers room air unless one has been prescribed supplemental oxygen, usually due to other medical problems. I would think one with OSA would want to use their cpap to keep airways open and hence their oxygen levels up particularly at this time.

If someone with a concussion has normal oxygen levels (no apnea) and they don't drop during sleep, I can't see a benefit from cpap.

Don't know if or how Central Sleep Apnea plays into having a concussion.

Sorry I don't have any medical answers for you - more just me thinking out loud. Hope your recovery is swift and complete.


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Post by Julie » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:31 am

Jane - when the doctor says your spleen should come out - it should come out. You don't need it for ANYthing at all (like your appendix) and it can cause ongoing problems with leaking into your other organs, etc., possibly long term and serious. It's a quick and easy op. as well, and you should stop running around trying to fix yourself. Cpap is the least of yor worries now and what you feel might be aerophagia could have no bearing at all on things, but you need to see an internist pronto for a proper look at your insides (your liver could cause worse problems than the spleen and lead to very serious trouble) and fix them first.

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Post by sleepyjane » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:13 am

[quote="Julie"]Jane - when the doctor says your spleen should come out - it should come out. You don't need it for ANYthing at all (like your appendix) and it can cause ongoing problems with leaking into your other organs, etc., possibly long term and serious. It's a quick and easy op. as well, and you should stop running around trying to fix yourself. Cpap is the least of yor worries now and what you feel might be aerophagia could have no bearing at all on things, but you need to see an internist pronto for a proper look at your insides (your liver could cause worse problems than the spleen and lead to very serious trouble) and fix them first.

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Post by krousseau » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:35 am

Yes see your sleep doc-I don't think CPAP is good for a concussion- and may not be good for intra abdominal bleeding either.

I'll PM you-it sounds like you got substandard care at the first ER.

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