Only 4hrs continuous sleep with CPAP

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Only 4hrs continuous sleep with CPAP

Post by iamfais » Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:34 pm

I am using CPAP for last 6 months or so as recommended after sleep study.
Problem is i get a good 4 hours sleep using the cpap ( Philips Auto cpap) with pressure of 16 i guess.
But after 4 hours i get up and very fresh :-).
After that if i try to sleep i dont get's like you are refreshed and ready for the day.
So i sleep around 10.30am and get up like 3am !!.....what to do after that ?

I get another 1 hour sleep after lunch again with cpap device on.

Is anyone experiencing the same ?
Is it a problem ?
Am i sleeping less ( 4 + 1 hrs)
Appreciate your responses


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Re: Only 4hrs continuous sleep with CPAP

Post by Julie » Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:54 pm

First thought is to go to bed later - you don't need as much sleep as you would have before Cpap... though 4 hrs isn't enough, but second thought is to also download Oscar (top of pg) and post some results so we can see what's what and advise if adjustments need doing. Without that we can only guess. Can you also please complete your Profile with which model of what machine and what mask, and plse come back to this thread with everything. Thx!

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Re: Only 4hrs continuous sleep with CPAP

Post by nicholasjh1 » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:35 pm

Not sure how much literature there is on it, other then I did see a study showing recently treated apnea sufferers having higher creatine levels at night (indicating prep for energy stores)... in other words you've been doing cardio every night for years and suddenly you aren't . your body doesn't immediately adjust to the new norm. The best thing I've found for it is to exercise a lot during the day and be as calm as possible during the night. eventually your body will likely readjust.
Instead of Sleep apnea it should be called "Sleep deprivation, starving of oxygen, being poisoned by high CO2 levels, damaging the body and brain while it's supposed to be healing so that you constantly get worse and can never get healthy Apnea"

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Re: Only 4hrs continuous sleep with CPAP

Post by sonno » Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:50 pm

Years of poor sleep create a learned pattern and expectation in your brain. It sounds like you have the apneas under control. It might be helpful to look at icbt similar to Cleveland Clinic Gotosleep program. The program is simple and online. It will first prompt you to eliminate any activity except sleep in the bedroom ( no reading/Pets/tv) , to go to bed only when very tired, put your clock out of view so you dont see what time it is when you wake in middle of night, And it makes you get out of bed if you cant fall back asleep in 20 minutes at 3am. Go to another room until you feel sleepy then return to your bed. Then icbt moves to sleep restriction. If you want to wake at 6, getting only 5 hours per night, you start going to bed at 1am. It increases your tiredness and sleep drive. Once you do a week or so of +/- continuous 5 hour sleeping from 1-6, you go to bed 15 minutes earlier each week if your sleep continues to be more or less solid through the night. You continue 15 min earlier sleep time each week until you get to your desired 7-8 hours.