unable to breathe at night due to allergies

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unable to breathe at night due to allergies

Post by auntiebeccaneedssleep » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:07 pm

I recently moved, and my allergies have kicked in. I am using the nasal mask with a cool humidifer. I am waking up in the middle of the night, and my nose is so stuffed, I can't breathe through it. I use sinex nasal spray and put the mask back on and am able to sleep. Any ideas? Should I get another mask? I really can't afford one right now, but I want to sleep, so I have gotta do what it takes to breathe!

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Post by glassgal » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:19 pm

Hi Auntie,

Glad to see you back.

I would suspect the humidity change to be at fault here. Hawaii has much higher relative humidity than Redding. Do you have a heated humidifier? If you do, turn it on. If you don't, try putting your passover humidifier on a heating pad to see if that will help before you make an expensive purchase. I have my humidifier up all the way and breathe better at night than during the day! I can even breathe with a cold with the humidity turned up. Give it a try.

Good luck,

Sleep well,


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heated humidifier
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Post by chrisp » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:44 pm

First, You must get treatment for the allergies. Allegra, Clarinex Claritin. Flonase, Heck, even bee pollen has worked for some.

Second, Stop the Sinex. It is good for a few nights at most. Then you will experience rebound, headaches, bloody nose, sinus problems. Read the label ! A sudafed may help in the meantime. Take it in the morning as it may keep you awake.

Yes, do increase the humidity as Glassgal suggests. Maybe a nasal rinse with saline or just plain water also.

In the meantime try these steps. Use your car Air conditioning on MAX only. This stops fresh air from bringing more pollen and pollutants into the cabin. Vacuum your house daily. Use a HEPA filter in your house. Don't have carpets if you can avoid them. Keep the humidity turned up if you can.



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saline rinse

Post by snork1 » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:11 pm

take whatever you can to knock down your allergies, since your nose HAS to work for CPAP to work....in my opinion.

BUT, have you tried saline rinses of your sinuses? I just got desparate enough to try this technique this year and find the results to be amazing.

You can get fancy about it and get special kits and special solutions, or you can keep it simple like I do and just put a pinch of salt and a much tinier pinch of baking soda in about a half cup of warm tap water, and then gently shoot it up your nose with one of those blue squeeze bulbs used for infants. Then blow the water back out your nose. Do that twice a day and it is likely you will be AMAZED at how much reduced your allergies will be.

What you read above is only one data point based on one person's opinion.
I am not a doctor, nor do I even play one on TV.
Your mileage may vary.
Follow ANY advice or opinions at your own risk.
Not everything you read is true.

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Post by Big Snore » Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:25 am

My doc prescribed me Rhinocort for this same problem and it works wonderfully. Good Luck!!
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Post by JimH » Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:41 pm

I am using NasoCort and spraying saline solution in my nose when it gets dry during the day. Definately heat the humidifier if you can. if you can't, try sticking your head over a sink full of hot water, towel over head, and breath in the steam before bed. It will help open and prep your nasal passages. Just a thought.

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breathing ideas

Post by auntiebeccaneedssleep » Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:55 am

Thanks for the helpful ideas. I will start trying those today!
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Post by SleepyGuy » Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:06 pm

I find a room air filter works well for allergies if you sit close to it. Are you changing the filter on your machine when it gets dirty?

You may have to use a full face mask if your nose is getting congested. I find the Ultra Mirage Full Face mask works well.

bee pollen

bee pollen

Post by bee pollen » Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:40 pm