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Re: Sleepyhead Data- opinions/thoughts

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:15 pm
by ZZzseekerREM
Thanks for the reply- I will make that change tonight and will report back in several days.

Has anyone experienced negative consequences from changing their settings from what their sleep doctor originally prescribed when the changes made improved sleep quality (AHI lowered) without consulting with them first?

Obviously if I thought my health was in danger I would not mess with it, but the changes seem fairly nominal.

Re: Sleepyhead Data- opinions/thoughts

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:35 pm
by Krelvin
ZZzseekerREM wrote:Has anyone experienced negative consequences from changing their settings from what their sleep doctor originally prescribed when the changes made improved sleep quality (AHI lowered) without consulting with them first?
Most are dealing with the DME for compliance which has really nothing to do with the actual settings.

If you are getting better therapy from the modifications, I'm not sure what a Dr would have to say.

Most if the time, their RX is based on a one time sleep study. You are living with the device everyday and need to get the best therapy.

Re: Sleepyhead Data- opinions/thoughts

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:47 pm
by Pugsy
All the DME can do is verbally slap your hands IF they even notice you changed anything. Most of the time all they look at is hours of use to make sure that any compliance usage requirements are met.

As far as the doctor...about all they can do is also verbally slap your hands...if they even care and a lot of them don't.
Most of the time the docs look at hours of use and maybe AHI and don't go digging any deeper unless they have to.
Some docs are real anti APAP for whatever reason (usually because they don't fully understand how the machine is supposed to work) and I have heard of some docs really getting their panties all in a wad when they discovered a patient had changed something but that's more of a power/ego thing that some docs just have.

If you are wondering if the cpap police will come and take your machine away because you fiddled with things....they won't.
Your insurance company doesn't care....they just want you to use the machine so they aren't wasting their money.
DMEs...they may verbally slap your hands and say something about there is a law about patient's changing a setting but there isn't any such law. DMEs can't change things without a doctor okaying the changes but a patient changing his settings isn't the same thing as the DME changing things.

Re: Sleepyhead Data- opinions/thoughts

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:03 pm
by ZZzseekerREM
Thank you for your replies Krelvin and Pugsy. That is what I thought- just wanted to confirm with more experienced folks.

I am used to being on "thin ice" with my wife so I might as well be on it with my DME and doctor as well.

Re: Sleepyhead Data- opinions/thoughts

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:03 pm
by palerider
ZZzseekerREM wrote:Thank you for your replies Krelvin and Pugsy. That is what I thought- just wanted to confirm with more experienced folks.

I am used to being on "thin ice" with my wife so I might as well be on it with my DME and doctor as well.
just remember, you have to please the wife, but you can fire the dme and doctor