Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

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Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:52 am

It looks like things are going to work out okay regarding my DME and the Vent. I have to admit that I am extremely relieved.

I met with the owner and discussed the bill I got from them. They had already looked at it and gotten it down to around $1600 by the time I met with them. Apparently, their billing/accounts receivable people have really messed my account up -- and badly. There was a sizable insurance payment that MY records showed, but they had no record of having received. We had about five-minute standoff about it, but the owner decided to call some people into our meeting and get them looking into it. After another five minutes, one of them declared -- I found it!! Apparently, they did receive the insurance payment, but because their biller had messed things up pretty badly, they didn't know whose account to post it to. He had already decided to write off that portion and charge me as if he had gotten it, but once he found out he really DID get that payment, he worked with me even more because I told him his people told me "a couple hundred max" and the actual number was higher. I offered him a settlement amount and he insisted on taking less because of all the issues.

He was also a little upset when I told him I had not been billed for any co-pays for the ventilator. At first he tried to tell me (his people told him this) that they JUST got paid for all of them so they couldn't bill me (but he also said I should have been receiving monthly statements, which I wasn't -- he was NOT happy about that). But I had my insurance statements with me and I showed him where I got a statement in April saying they had paid at least one month. Based on the first insurance statement with that payment they didn't post properly, I was able to set a precedent that when I receive an insurance statement, they receive the payment about a week after my statement date.

We had a discussion about how maybe I should have called asking about a bill (but he and everybody in the meeting agreed that it was NOT my responsibility), but I figured based on our conversations and considering all that had transpired, he was letting my co-pays slide until we got things settled. But regardless, I said it wasn't fair to be hitting me for 6 months co-pays at one time, especially when they HAD been paid for some of them several months ago.

And he agreed. Now, I'm not fooled into thinking that his sole concern is ME -- it's not and only a fool would think that. He does not want the VENT back and it's in his best interests to try to work with me. But it's in my best interests, too, to work with him.

We worked out a settlement for all the previous month's co-pays on the ventilator and oxygen. I still owe him a nice chunk of change, but it's a lot less than $3000!! He and I agreed that I would draft an email outlining our discussion and what we agreed to -- I said to protect us both in the future. And he agreed to that as well. He also said that from now on, I should ask to speak with him DIRECTLY over any quotes, promises or concerns about payments and money.

All and all -- I think he's doing as much as he can (well, he could do more, but he's in business to make money -- ha ha).

I also met with the RT. She's very nice and one of the first things out of her mouth was that she had a lot to learn about me, my situation and equipment. We went over everything, including my ventilator (I had it with me) and its settings. We discussed how I'm doing and any problems that I'm having. She said she needed to really read up on my ventilator and I told her to call me any time if she had any questions about how it worked and/or how it worked for me. She seemed to appreciate it.

One of the first things she honed in on was the Inspiratory Time -- asking if I had considered raising it. We discussed that in detail. She also asked about a couple other settings and said she would look into those and perhaps request changes -- one being the trigger flow sensitivity, which is currently set to 4 l/min. I was getting tired and don't remember if she felt it needed to be increased or decreased, but she was going to look into it and let me know.

She also felt that at some point, I may need to be more open to doing a sleep study with a ventilator, something my doctor said we *might* need to do, but I am so resistent if it's not absolutely necessary.

So, to those of you that responded to my "scared" post and said to do whatever I could to keep my equipment -- thank you. It looks like it's going to work out.

Oh -- I have to tell you something my husband said. He gave me serious "kudos" for having my insurance statements organized and with me during the meeting. If I hadn't had them, the owner wouldn't have looked so hard for that sizable payment. Once we established that his accounting was messed up, it forced him to take me a little more seriously and work with me more.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by sleepycarol » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:08 am

I know this is a big worry off your mind. I am glad for you.
Kudos to you for being so organized and persistent!! Remember to keep all of your paperwork (like you wouldn't anyway -- )
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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:20 am

sleepycarol wrote:I know this is a big worry off your mind. I am glad for you.
Kudos to you for being so organized and persistent!! Remember to keep all of your paperwork (like you wouldn't anyway -- )
Thanks. If I hadn't had the insurance statements with me, he would have never known that they received a sizable payment on my behalf from my insurance company. And even with the statements, he resisted the idea (at first) that they did receive it but hadn't posted it properly. I've set a precedent that I won't just take their word -- I need proof either way.

I had been putting all my insurance statements for the DME in one pile in case I needed them. Good thing, too.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by newhosehead » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:26 am

Yes! I am so glad to hear this has worked out much better than it originally sounded, Kathy! My hat is off to you for your organizational skills...paperwork is one of my biggest challenges. I am also happy to read about the interest the RT showed. Maybe you have someone here who can become a real asset to you (and obviously, you can teach her a great deal).

Again, this is good news.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:32 am

newhosehead wrote:Yes! I am so glad to hear this has worked out much better than it originally sounded, Kathy! My hat is off to you for your organizational skills...paperwork is one of my biggest challenges. I am also happy to read about the interest the RT showed. Maybe you have someone here who can become a real asset to you (and obviously, you can teach her a great deal).

Again, this is good news.

Thanks, Jeanette. I have to admit that I am so relieved because I was really upset (and scared). I know I CAN sleep without the equipment, but I know it's not good for me. The idea of not using the machine just didn't appeal to me, but going broke doesn't appeal to me either!!!

I think the DME is doing his best to accommodate me. Despite all the problems, I'm glad I stuck with them.

Oh -- I found out yesterday that the previous RT (the one that caused me so much stress and quit on them) was pulling some stunts that I suspected -- claiming to be at a patient's house, but wasn't. Things like that.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by BlackSpinner » Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:05 am

Madalot wrote:
Thanks. If I hadn't had the insurance statements with me, he would have never known that they received a sizable payment on my behalf from my insurance company. And even with the statements, he resisted the idea (at first) that they did receive it but hadn't posted it properly. I've set a precedent that I won't just take their word -- I need proof either way.

I had been putting all my insurance statements for the DME in one pile in case I needed them. Good thing, too.
Now send him a bill for your time spent on cleaning up his accounting department.

What kind of business persons allows their accounting department to screw up this way? Bookkeeping is not that difficult! I know I have written accounting packages. They have to work really hard to make that kind of mess. Do you really want to do business with some one like that?

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by DoriC » Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:14 am

Maddy, I'm giving a sigh of relief for you! Their whole system seems all screwed up anyway and the responsibility lies with them. I'm glad you have a good feeling about the RT, she seems interested in your case. Good luck and keep us updated!

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:41 am

BlackSpinner wrote:
Madalot wrote:
Thanks. If I hadn't had the insurance statements with me, he would have never known that they received a sizable payment on my behalf from my insurance company. And even with the statements, he resisted the idea (at first) that they did receive it but hadn't posted it properly. I've set a precedent that I won't just take their word -- I need proof either way.

I had been putting all my insurance statements for the DME in one pile in case I needed them. Good thing, too.
Now send him a bill for your time spent on cleaning up his accounting department.

What kind of business persons allows their accounting department to screw up this way? Bookkeeping is not that difficult! I know I have written accounting packages. They have to work really hard to make that kind of mess. Do you really want to do business with some one like that?
Well, if I still lived in a major metropolitan area where I had tons of choices, I'd say no. But I am so limited here in DME's. And we've negotiated a settlement on the total amount due and he's willing to take less than I owe him.

I agree that his accounting is really screwed up and it's inexcusable. Unfortunately, this type of thing happens much more these days because people just don't have the work ethic of years ago. I think he learned a valuable lesson about the way his business is being handled. I suspect he's going to look into this further and become more involved in the accounting aspect and get things straightened out.

Because he finally DID look into it and was honest about receiving the payment, AND the fact that we settled for the past due amount, I'm willing to keep working with him.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:33 am

DoriC wrote:Maddy, I'm giving a sigh of relief for you! Their whole system seems all screwed up anyway and the responsibility lies with them. I'm glad you have a good feeling about the RT, she seems interested in your case. Good luck and keep us updated!
Thanks Dori. I have to admit I was sweating bullets over all of this. I'm in the process right now of drafting an email, outlining our understanding. I want to make sure that from now on, we have a clear cut understanding, in writing, as to what we're both agreeing to.

Thank you for your support.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by brazospearl » Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:47 am

Madalot, I'm so glad to hear y'all got things worked out! Sounds like this guy should spend some of the money you're paying him on training his employees. Geez, wonder what other accounts they've messed up?

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by chunkyfrog » Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:07 am

I know I've been accused of looking for the worst in people; but have you ever considered the possibility that the mess-up was NOT an accident?
Does anyone know who to contact to get that looked into?
This might NOT be an isolated incident.
If this is a pattern, people may have been hurt, and others could be if it does not end.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:07 am

brazospearl wrote:Madalot, I'm so glad to hear y'all got things worked out! Sounds like this guy should spend some of the money you're paying him on training his employees. Geez, wonder what other accounts they've messed up?
Oh, I think he realized after working with me that he's got some serious issues. I cannot be the only patient whose account is royally screwed up. I think my meeting with him, and having my paperwork in order, gave him a serious "wake up call" that he needed.

In truth, when I look at all my insurance statements, I owe him more money than I'm going to pay him. His company has screwed up royally, but he's willing to write off some of it to make it right.

And I respect that. People by nature are fallible. How they handle their mistakes is what is more important to me. I've always lived by an old saying: The ONLY way to never make a mistake is to never do anything.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:25 am

chunkyfrog wrote:I know I've been accused of looking for the worst in people; but have you ever considered the possibility that the mess-up was NOT an accident?
Does anyone know who to contact to get that looked into?
This might NOT be an isolated incident.
If this is a pattern, people may have been hurt, and others could be if it does not end.
It's an interesting thought. IF it wasn't accidental, I don't think the owner is the one responsible. I think he's dealing with what a lot of companies encounter these days -- incompetent employees, some of which are unethical and sometimes border on criminal activity.

If it were deliberate, I don't think he or his staff would have acknowledged that sizable payment that was misapplied. In truth, regardless of whether he thought he received it, he had written it off on my end anyway, which I don't think HE would have done if all this were intentional on his part. But because his staff found that payment, he wrote off even more of my part since he had received more on it than he originally thought. I offered him more, but he insisted on splitting the amount, which left him with less.

Like I said in a previous post, I think what happened with me was a huge wake up call for him. I don't think he's going to be taking his account people on their word any more. I think he's going to want to see proof of what they're doing.

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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by unadog » Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:29 am

Wow, congratulations!! I am so happy for you!

Amazing that they could be so screwed up - billing and payments is so core to their business. At any rate, it was good in that it gave you some leverage.

I'm glad everthing is OK for now! Best!!
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Re: Relief -- Looks Like This Is Going To Be Okay

Post by Madalot » Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:21 pm

unadog wrote:Wow, congratulations!! I am so happy for you!

Amazing that they could be so screwed up - billing and payments is so core to their business. At any rate, it was good in that it gave you some leverage.

I'm glad everthing is OK for now! Best!!
Thanks, Michael! I'm happy and relieved, but I still have a hefty outstanding amount to pay. But it's a lot less than the $3000 they initially billed me for.

Once this RT really gets to the meat of my situation, I'll probably be asking for input on her opinion!!

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