Nasal congestion

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Nasal congestion

Post by clb » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:33 am

I have a Respironics biPAP machine with a humidifier, and no matter what I do I can't breathe through my nose with the machine on. Has anyone else had this problem? What is the solution? I take allergy medicine. I've tried nose strips without success, and I'm allergic to the adhesives. I can't take decongestants. My allergist says the congestion is from blood pooling around breathing passages when I lie down. My apnea is central.

Also, I don't like fan noise or any other kind of noise when I'm sleeping. I am desperate! Is there a quiet machine?

I'm feeling hopeless.

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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by Pugsy » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:11 pm

What type of mask are you trying to use? What setting is the humidifier on?
If unable to breathe through the nose at all then must breathe through mouth and Full face mask is the preferred way to go.
Sorry, unable to comment on machine noise. I use the M series machine and many people complain of it being noisy so I must be deaf cause I can't hear a thing...

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by Janknitz » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:34 pm

If you have a brand new System One machine, you have one of the quietest machines available. Respironics just revamped their machines and made them quieter. Ask your DME if it's one of the newest ones, or if it's been sitting on the shelf for a while--maybe they'll be willing to swap you out with a newly manufactured machine (manufactured in 2011) they are supposed to be about 4 decibels quieter.

Even the machines manufactured before 2011 were pretty quiet, I'm guessing it's not the machine itself making the noise that's bothering you, but the conducted noise in the mask and hose. There are some things you can do to reduce this noise, but it never goes entirely away--something you're just going to have to get used to.

To dampen the nosie:
1. Use a hose cover over the hose.
2. Make sure the mask and the hose are not on your pillow--the pillow can conduct the sound, too.
3. White noise like a fan, sound machine, or MP3 player helps, but you already said white noise bothers you. At least you don't hear the Darth Vader in and out with white noise to mask it.
4. Ear plugs will NOT help--they make the conducted noise in your own head louder!
5. Place the machine below the level of your bed, resting on a mouse pad to dampen the noise. Sometimes that helps. Some people have resorted to desparate measures like drilling a hole in the wall and putting the machine in the room next door!
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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by greyhound » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:42 pm

I have found that nasal pillows work if nasal congestion permits even the slightest bit of air to pass through.

Machine: AirSense 11 Autoset
Mask: DreamWear Nasal CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Oscar software Previous Masks: Airfit P10 Nasal Pillow, Swift FX Nasal Pillow, Comfort Curve, Opus, Mirage Swift II

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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by clb » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:36 pm

I like the idea of putting the machine in another room, but would it work with a very long hose? I am using the 'pillow-type' interface and have to keep my head and shouldrers elevated to breathe through my nose. It feels so good to lie flat. Sometimes I find I must cheat and use the nasal spray that my cardio doc has forbidden.

Thank you Janknitz for the suggestions. I may try them all.

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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by jeffishere » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:57 pm

I hope a full mask does the trick for you. I have the same problem...usually just one nasal passageway is clear. was given a nasal pillow but may ask to try full face....
the machine is noisy for me, too. I'll try putting on the rug instead of the nightstand...was considering putting a towel over it w/out covering the air intake!
let us know how things work or dont work for you!

clb: why has your cardio doc has forbidden nasal spray? I'm using nasacort AQ but have hypertension. just wondering!

Humidifier: HumidAire H4i™ Heated Humidifier
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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by codinqueen » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:25 am

Try "Clear" essential oil from Pur-Sleep. I was addicted to Afrin, much to my Drs' chagrin, and am no longer able to use it, and have allergy problems that keep my nose congested most of the time, but am able to breathe through my nose while using "Clear" on a pad that I have elevated on the aluminum diffuser (purchased from Pur-Sleep) about a half-inch from the filter on the back of my S9 CPAP machine. I have not tried it yet, but think Eucalyptus oil will also work. Another thing for you to try is a Neti pot to clear your nose before going to bed. I also use Loratidine (generic Claritan) 10 mg, at supper-time every day. I suffered clots in both lungs back in Sept 2010 and two weeks ago,and have pulmonary hypertension from the blood clots, and 2 weeks ago, and had to have a kyphoplasty since I fractured a thoracic vertebra trying to open a window, so with all my medical conditions, I have to listen to my PCP when he says not to use Afrin. He explained the Afrin causes rebound congestion which is worse than the congestion I have in the first place, and the rebound congestion will strike after I have donned my CPAP mask and am sleeping at 10 cm of pressure from my CPAP, then the congestion keeping me from breathing though my nose will come in rebound form a few hours after last using the Afrin,and will waken me. I am on warfarin, so there are lots of drugs I can't take. Hope this helps you!

Mask: Swift™ FX For Her Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: Clear by Pur-Sleep to keep nose open at night, Cozy Hose-Boss by Pur-Sleep
Pressure 6-10 cm

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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by nobody » Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:41 am

Try turning the humidifier off. I've had my nose get all congested on just a setting of 1 on my humidifier. It's a balancing act that really depends on the environment. The drier the ambient air, the more likely I can use the humidifier without clogging up my nose, but the vast majority of the time I just leave it off and let the air blow over the water. I've also had better success staying humidified without clogging my nose by using a room humidifier.

Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Respironics Simplicity nasal mask small

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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by Alfies » Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:41 am

Hi All,
I don't have a solution for this but my cousin is having similar problem.
I will keep checking to see if there is an update or solution of this problem.

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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by jeffishere » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:37 pm

i agree with "Try turning the humidifier off." I did that after a week or so. Much better so far....but I live in an area with generally high humidity. Your sit. may be diff.

Humidifier: HumidAire H4i™ Heated Humidifier
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Re: Nasal congestion

Post by BShorts » Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:06 pm

I apologize in advance if this is a bit ramble-y...I've had a lot on my mind.

I just met compliance with my BiPAP(no humidifier). I struggled the whole time with inflammation in my sinuses. Just about every night I would start out with the mask(full and half) and struggle to breath for about an hour then take it off, sleep, then wake and try again. Despite living in a humid location(Hawaii), the air from the device was just too dry. Through pure dumb luck I seem to have found a solution...but it comes with a warning. Remember, you don't know me and I don't know you(I am definitely not an expert). If you are reading this you may be on the desperate side for results. PLEASE be realistic and careful. Don't be one of those 'if 3 is good then 5 is better' people.

I increased my salt intake.

Some will take this as if I suggested they take poison(and to some it might as well be..consult your doctor). Initially, I began taking salt under the assumption that it helps with adrenal fatigue(from stress, sleep loss, anxiety, paresthesia(tingling..sometimes I would wake feeling like someone stuck my finger in the electrical socket) etc...I was severely sleep deprived). I was just taking it to replenish something, I wasn't expecting it to make me sleepy, but it did(then I googled it and yes it's 'a thing'). All the sleep lost hit me like a brick. I looked at my diet and realized I really had no significant source of salt. I had been eating almost no packaged or fast food. The RDA of salt(sodium really) is about 2/3 a teaspoon. That's DAILY- rinse and repeat. Everyone assumes that everyone is getting not just enough but more than is healthy. I'm 49yrs, 6ft tall, 215lb, active, eating mostly fruits, vegetables, some dairy and some protein. Having home cooked meals means I have a pretty good idea what I'm eating. More so, what body mass is the RDA targeted at? Is it really the same regardless of height and weight? I also spend a fair amount of time in a car with no A/C(you sweat out salt too).

Salt raises your blood pressure, so does exercise. That's a little glib but when you drive are you always dead-on the speed limit? It fluctuates. Like your car and gas, salt has to be replenished. Trying to have the least amount of salt recommended is like always filling your gas tank to E. You're just bumping along from shortage to shortage, hoping you make it to the pump in time. There has to be a range that the body runs comfortably with. Hypothetically, other things in your diet cause water loss(caffeine, alcohol) might be putting you on a roller coaster trying to maintain this balance.

Salt holds on to water. Your body tries to maintain a consistant ratio of salt to water. To equalize, it sheds water when salt is lower or compels you to drink when salt is higher. Too little salt means all that extra water to hydrate passes right thru you or as salt is depleted your body sheds the extra water. I was peeing all the time. I think we need to have the right amount of salt to have the right amount of water. On a regular basis.

On the first day I start sleeping easier and then longer(no more frequent waking to urinate...BMs became firmer(sorry)) and then on the 3rd day the inflammation went away. I also noticed, when singing, my vocal chords where more comfortable(ask any singer how important hydration is). All in all my mood it much better. My guess is that I'm hydrating from the inside. A lot of advice comes in the form of external hydration. As I see it, you pour water on a dry twig, it's going to be dry again in a short while but, if you soak it through, its going to stay moist a lot longer.

Salt is a necessity: Low salt is bad for you as is high salt. (google it)

I'm concerned with long term effects so I plan on cutting to dosage slowly to find the 'sweet spot'. I was given some Himalayan salt so I use that(seems table salt is out of favor at the moment). I started with about 2/3 a teaspoon and have cut down to 1/2. I mix it with honey. About a half hour before bedtime I put the mix in my mouth and chase it down with some water before the honey dissolves. I also like to have something fatty for the satiety effect(like a teaspoon of coconut oil).

Be well rounded and balanced. Eat well, sleep well and gets some exercise. Don't build a table with only one leg, even two...just don't. Even 3 legs is not enough if they are uneven.

For me it's been a huge relief and I hope it helps others, but I had reservations promoting it because it's both controversial and potentially a risk to some. Please be careful. YMMV