Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by LinkC » Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:34 am

rooster wrote:That mean old LinkC is calling my "Excellent Replacement" junk!
Sorry, it's the engineer in me! Let's not say "junk"...how about an "inelegant solution"!

But, if it works, that's the acid test! Carry on, sailor...

Additional Comments: 11-14 cmH2O
The OSA patient died quietly in his sleep.
Unlike his passengers who died screaming as the car went over the cliff...


Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by anonymous40 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:09 am

I recently saw the Mouthplug online and thought it would help with mouth venting. I really like my Swift Lt nasal mask, but sometimes my mouth comes open and I wake with an unbelievably dry mouth. It just so happens now is the time my insurance would pay for a new mask, so I got the Oracle today, the one that Dr. Norris of SLEEP APNEA AND TMJ OF NEVADA said on his website that he modified to make the Mouthplug. I tried using the Oracle as a mask for a few minutes and the problem that my therapist warned me of happened almost immediately - drooling, a lot. There is no way to swallow, and add the moisture from the machine and, well, yuck. Anyway, no matter, I just wanted it to try making the Mouthplug. I just got it today. I have been online looking for one way valves and saw this post also. There are some disposable one way valves for oxygen equipment that look promising, a snorkel purge valve, and the one found on CPR masks. However, by looking at the picture I know exactly what Dr. Norris used. The non-rebreathing valve Ozij mentioned, that the Oracle has at the other end of the narrow tube is what I see in the picture. It has a narrow half that fits perfectly in the mouthpiece, but this one-way valve works backwards from what is needed. From the picture, the narrow half has been cut off and the other half flipped around and shoved on that narrow end already pushed into the mouthpiece so it works the right way. Then all that is needed is to plug it's side vents with something (clear tape?) and you have the Mouthplug. I hesitate to cobble the mask valve to try it, since I just got it and I still have the option to trade it for another mask to try. I may look for other sources for the valve first. I will probably keep the Oracle for the modification. Once I do it I will post the results. Kind of an expensive solution unless you happen to have a spare Oracle mask laying around, but the dry mouth thing is hard to take.


Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by Blisspirate » Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:57 pm

Why would you do this instead of just using a full face mask?

I don't see any advantages (perhaps with the exception for those who grind their teeth at night.)

For me - I find the full-face mask a very comfortable - more comfortable then the nasal mask - and essential for me as a mouth breather.

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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by roster » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:04 pm

Blisspirate wrote:.........
For me - I find the full-face mask a very comfortable - more comfortable then the nasal mask - and essential for me as a mouth breather.
I have the same experience as you - my Hybrid mask is more comfortable and more leakproof that the nasal masks I have tried.

But why would you make such a post and not tell us which brand/model of nasal mask you are using?

Mask: Hybrid Full Face CPAP Mask with Nasal Pillows and Headgear
Additional Comments: M Series Integrated Humidifier


Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by Guest » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:09 pm

LoQ wrote:
But why would you make such a post and not tell us which brand/model of nasal mask you are using?
I have an old (6 yrs) Remstar Plus CPAP and a new Respironics ComfortGel Full mask.

Getting the right size FF mask was a big improvement for me - When I purchased my first one their fitting guide suggested a medium - the large works much better for me.

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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by LoQ » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:10 pm

Guest wrote:
LoQ wrote:
But why would you make such a post and not tell us which brand/model of nasal mask you are using?
It was not me who said that!


Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by anonymous40 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:26 pm

I tried the Mouthplug. I was having trouble finding any other one-way valve anywhere and was unwilling to order one from somewhere and wait for it to arrive. As I mentioned, the non-rebreathing valve that comes with the Oracle at the end of the narrow tube looked like the one in the picture that the guy was wearing(not the one shown laying on the table, I'd like to find that valve, would have been easier), but needed modification. I am not a mouth breather except for the frequent occaison with the mouth venting that left me waking with the unbelievably dry mouth. I tried the Mirage liberty, but could not get it to work for me. It was too fining for one, and I could not get a good fit. I have a few whiskers that I am not gonna shave off that may have interfered with the seal, but I just could not get it to seal well without making it way too tight. Even if I did, if I just did a casual move of my head, the strap on the back of my head against the pillow would move from the weight of my head and cause the mask to unseal. I hated the flow of the air across my closed mouth on the way to my nose(pressure 14). As I said before, I really like my nose pillow mask, the Swift LT, not confining, comfortable, like I am not wearing anything. Anyway,I did the modification to the valve. I sawed off the narrow end, smoothed out the saw marks(800 grit wet/dry sandpaper worked well), and stuck the narrow end into the mouthpiece. The sawed off narrow end resembles a short clear tube about three quarters of an inch long. About a quarter inch is left sticking out. What remains is the valve. I flipped it around to face the right way to slide it on. It is a bit too large for the "tube", so several layers of clear tape allowed a snug fit. All that remained was the "side vents" on the valve. A layer of clear tape there did the trick. I have tried it for several nights. It works fine. At first my nose and mouth were a bit sore in the morning, but I had the masks a bit too tight. If I keep both masks just barely snug it works well. No more dry mouth. And I don't have to wear my occusal guard(grinding). There is a screw ring on the Oracle that tightens or looses the grip between the inner and outer flaps against the lips. Oracle would do well in selling this for this purpose, rather than having to get a whole mask and modify it. I would recommend everyone trying this.

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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by ozij » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:57 pm

I'm quoting and creating paragraphs to make things clearer:
anonymous40 wrote:Anyway,I did the modification to the valve.
I sawed off the narrow end, smoothed out the saw marks(800 grit wet/dry sandpaper worked well),
and stuck the narrow end into the mouthpiece.
The sawed off narrow end resembles a short clear tube about three quarters of an inch long. About a quarter inch is left sticking out. What remains is the valve.
I flipped it around to face the right way to slide it on. It is a bit too large for the "tube", so several layers of clear tape allowed a snug fit. All that remained was the "side vents" on the valve. A layer of clear tape there did the trick.

I have tried it for several nights. It works fine. At first my nose and mouth were a bit sore in the morning, but I had the masks a bit too tight. If I keep both masks just barely snug it works well. No more dry mouth. And I don't have to wear my occusal guard(grinding).

There is a screw ring on the Oracle that tightens or looses the grip between the inner and outer flaps against the lips. Oracle would do well in selling this for this purpose, rather than having to get a whole mask and modify it. I would recommend everyone trying this.
Anonymous40, thanks for posting the info. I'm not sure I get it - why did you close the valve's side vents?


Mask: AirFit™ P10 Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Machine: Resmed AirSense10 for Her with Climateline heated hose ; alternating masks.
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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by anonymous40 » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:11 pm

The side vents are taped during this modification so that the valve will work as a one way valve. Remember that the whole point of doing this is to have a Mouthplug, something that prevents mouth venting when a non-mouth breather uses a nasal mask, but wants to prevent the instance of mouth venting and the problems it causes. The Oracle mask lends itself well to this and simply needs a one way valve that prevents the mouth venting should it come open during the night, but still allows inhaling. If I could find a different one-way valve, a simple one, I only need to attach it. This particular valve is a more complicated thing, that I modified for lack of finding something else. It has these side vents. I think the side vents may be part of the exhalation system when using the mask as intended. Air from the machine goes thru this valve, thru the one-way flaps, bypasses the side vents and continues up the tube to the mask. Exhaled air is blocked by the one-way flaps and redirects it out the side vents. When used for this mod, they allow the very mouth venting I am trying to prevent by letting the pressurized air out thru those vents. In retrospect, the valve is in the same position/direction it was intended to be, but was modified as a means to attach it. By taping the side vents shut, it works as a simple one-way valve, becoming the Mouthplug. Again, if you are doing the mod and have found a one-way valve that you can make fit, this step would not be needed, just attach it. I hope to eventually find one. As a added thought to using the Mouthplug, I noticed that if I blow hard enough, I can dislodge the Mouthplug. This lends comfort to those concerned about emergency exhaling. By the way, I can sleep in any position with this set up. (Nasal mask is Swift LT)

Did anyone get an answer from Dr Norris, the one who posted this Mouthplug idea on his website in the first place? I am curious if he helped anyone by selling the plans/parts or anything?

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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by ozij » Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:33 am

Thank you, I got it.


Mask: AirFit™ P10 Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Machine: Resmed AirSense10 for Her with Climateline heated hose ; alternating masks.
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by johoma » Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:02 am


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Re: Excellent Replacement for Mouth Taping

Post by roster » Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:05 am

johoma wrote:?
Dr. Giggles,

I get that question often and my answer is always the same. There are abounding adapted agency to amusement beddy-bye apnea alignment from medicines, facial masks, and dental treatments. But afore you can amusement it, you allegation accept what beddy-bye apnea is. The simple analogue of beddy-bye apnea is the disruption of animation while you are asleep. The ataxia affects the beddy-bye of bags of bodies anniversary night and can become an absolute austere botheration if gone untreated; it can alike become action threatening. Generally, beddy-bye apnea goes about undiagnosed as 90% of those who actually accept the ataxia do not alike apperceive it artlessly because they do not bethink not actuality able to breathe in their sleep.
There are abounding adapted affection associated with beddy-bye apnea about the best accustomed agency is the abeyance of animation during sleep. Bodies adversity from beddy-bye apnea additionally may asphyxiate or blow during beddy-bye to draw in breath, acquaintance loud snoring, alive aback to restart breathing, diaphoresis frequently through the night, acquaintance headaches, abscessed throat, or dry aperture in the morning, and alike may acquaintance daytime sleepiness. It is important to apperceive that comatose and beddy-bye apnea are not one and the same. While comatose is a evidence of beddy-bye apnea in some people, it is about not an assurance of beddy-bye apnea.
In abounding cases, the actualization of a person’s arch and abutting may actually be an account of beddy-bye apnea. This happens because the airway is bogus abate aback an actuality lays bottomward for beddy-bye in an assertive way. Added causes board but are not bound to ample tonsils or adenoids, obesity, alleviation of the argot and throat muscles, smoking, acknowledgment to secondhand smoke, nasal congestion, and an ancestors history. If an actuality suffers from accustomed arrangement abnormalities, astringent heartburn, acerbic reflux, aerial claret pressure, hypothyroidism, acromegaly, articulate band paralysis, post-polio syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, Bottomward syndrome, or amyloidosis, he or she may additionally advanced beddy-bye apnea.
Treatments for beddy-bye apnea vary, but dentists actually comedy an ample and important role in the analysis of beddy-bye apnea. Dentists forth with physicians, psychologists and respiratory therapists all assignment calm to amusement anniversary beddy-bye apnea patient. Anniversary accommodating responds to adapted aspects of analysis a little abnormally than others, but some of the best accustomed and affordable treatments board dental treatments. There are adapted dental appliances, lower jaw acclimation devices, and articulate accessories that can admonition amusement beddy-bye apnea and can finer amusement balmy to abstinent beddy-bye apnea.
Many dental accessories for alleviative beddy-bye apnea are abundant like able-bodied aperture guards or accessories acclimated for orthodontics and are bogus of acrylic, applicable central the mouth. The two best accustomed dental treatments for beddy-bye apnea board the Argot Retaining Accessory and the Mandibular Repositioning. These two accessories admonition attainable your airway, and accrue it attainable during sleep, by affective your lower jaw or argot avant-garde while you sleep. Often, the lower jaw and argot move too far aback appropriately blocking the breeze of air during sleep.
While dental treatments and accessories for beddy-bye apnea can accomplish a huge aberration in alleviative balmy to abstinent cases, such analysis does accept ancillary effects. If you accept to get brash argue a dentist like beddy-bye apnea dentist Dr. Thomas Hedge in Cincinnati.


Mask: Hybrid Full Face CPAP Mask with Nasal Pillows and Headgear
Additional Comments: M Series Integrated Humidifier
I have a vision that we will figure out an easy way to ensure that children develop wide, deep, healthy and attractive jaws and then obstructive sleep apnea becomes an obscure bit of history.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ycw4uaX ... re=related