Reader's Digest Sleep Apnea/Diabetes article

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Reader's Digest Sleep Apnea/Diabetes article

Post by ahujudybear » Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:47 am

Thanks for the info Lori!!
People need to understand that there are many different causes for obesity, not the least of which are Type II Diabetes, diminished activity levels, and carbohydrate addictions.

In Type II Diabetes, nutrients that are carried to the cells are met with resistance due to an incorrect insulin composure or an insufficiency of insulin, so they are carried along and eventually stored in the body as fat. So the cells are starved for nutrients, causing a craving for Carbohydrates. But the more carbs we eat, the less efficient the insulin is and the more fat is stored in the body. (an over-simplified version, but you get the idea.)

A lack of physical activity (computer games, etc., as a big culprit) will of course lead to overweight. But when you acquire a disability that affects your mobility, you tend to put on weight - especially if it affects ALL of your mobility. People with lower spinal cord injuries are still often able to exercise with their upper bodies and move about using their arms. But people with polio effects are being cautioned about over-using muscles and neurons that are deteriorating. This caution does not often include a caution re: eating less. Many of us have added 30# or more simply by using scooters or powerchairs and have had to adjust our caloric intake accordingly. Exercise is not an option for us.

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Post by neversleeps » Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:46 am

As you no doubt surmised from my first post on this thread, I have little respect for Reader's Digest. They put forth absolutely no original information, they cull bits and pieces as they see fit from other publications (as is their intended function--and I understand that), and dumb it down so drastically, it is an insult to the reader. They indiscriminately remove crucial facts (and in some cases, all facts), and then throw in a few comments of their own (such as the obesity comment in the particular article we are referring to on this thread) so the "information" becomes nothing more than an editorial and even MISinformation.

This is why I felt compelled to bring forth actual FACTS from this study and point out that nowhere in the actual document did the word 'obese' appear.

I had no intention of insulting Lori and every intention of insulting Reader's Digest. If Reader's Digest had an article about this forum it would probably say something like, "This a support group for obese people with insomnia."

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Post by Lori » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:26 am

Irving, I have found that there are many bitter people in this world who will use any excuse to get their anguish out & it looks like that's what you did here to my post. I simply related an article in the current Reader's Digest & you jumped all over it. I'm not going to argue with you because I have found that people like you can't see any one elses point of view anyway, you simply want to vent, argue, spew, whatever. So here's hoping that you will be blessed with some peace in your life so that you don't feel compelled to rant over a simple article & attack someone who simply typed it. The article was worth thinking about, whether you think it was valid or not. And thank you to the people who actually saw my post for what it was, a simple typing of an article in a magazine (which I DO like, by the way), not intended to cause a ruckus for sure. That's one of the reasons I don't frequent chat boards. There are too many people who would rather spew hatred than actually get to know someone or actually READ the posts. I am finding a lot of good information here & will ignore the "ignerants". And again Irving, I'm sorry your life is so bad. We all have trials of one kind or another, but life is much more fulfilling & enjoyable if we can find the blessings in each day.

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Post by neversleeps » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:42 am

I am finding a lot of good information here & will ignore the "ignerants".
Lori, not wishing to appear stupid but always wanting to learn, I have to ask, what is the meaning of the word "ignerants"?

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Post by Lori » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:45 am

It's a slang term for an ignorant person.

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Post by neversleeps » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:49 am

I just have to laugh...

That was pretty ''ignerant" of me, wasn't it.....

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Post by unclebob » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:47 am

Hi Lori and neversleeps,

This thread is just too much fun to end so I thought I would throw a little fuel on the fire, nuclear blast, terrorist attack - whatever.

neversleeps - I think you're a little to hard on Reader's Digest. It makes great reading for many especially in the doctor's waiting room or when you go to the bathroom. I always take a copy with me when I go hiking in the bush - really serves two purposes and three if you need to start a fire.

Lori - Thanks for bringing this article to our attention. I do agree with R&R that any positive media focus on the Apnea issue is much better than none at all. So, my question to you is do you have a subscription to Reader's Digest. I think your article was from a recent edition but I read an article about Apnea in the Jan 05 edition (I think) while in the dentist office. It seems to me they identified Apnea as one of ten major ailments people are not aware of, or something like that.

If you or any one else has that back copy it is worth a look.

Hey, did you hear that? Sounded like an explosion somewhere. Oops, sorry - that was only me here in the bush about to use my digest. Life's like that and I had to chuckle trying to get my camping uniform off.

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Post by neversleeps » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:09 am


As always you crack me up! And you're right. Reader's Digest is perfect waiting room and bathroom fodder. It ranks right up there with Highlights and the National Enquirer. I would, however, suggest with Highlights you find the hidden pictures BEFORE using it on your next hike in the bush.


Post by Guest » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:12 am

Well, my saying is that if I don't laugh I'll start crying & never stop! Our lives are crazy enough that it seems silly to bash people on a chat forum that is designed to bring support & help to people. I have been reading Reader's Digest since I was about 10 years old. I got hooked while spending summers with my grandparents who subscribed as well as bought all of the Condensed books. I would read the issues they had been saving every night all summer long. After suffering a serious head injury in a car accident, I could no longer read & had to learn again. Reader's Digest was the key to my recovery in that area & I've loved it ever since. I don't profess to believing that they print entire scientific articles. Anyone who reads the magazine knows they don't. Often the articles are snippets to get you thinking or asking questions. ANY information on OSA as well as other medical information is welcome to me. I don't know if anyone else here reads the magazine, but I thought last months compelling article on Emmett, Idaho & the nuclear fallout there from Nevada in the 50's was very informative & sent chills up my since I was a resident of Emmett for several years & never heard a thing about this. So you are free to take it or leave it, Reader's Digest is in my house to stay! it does your heart good!


Post by Guest » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:16 am

And P.S. If it makes you feel good to bash me for reading Reader's Digest, go ahead! Like I said, I will ignore the "ignerants" & hope you someday will become enlightened & a bit more caring of other peoples feelings & opinions.

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Post by unclebob » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:41 am

Hi Lori,

Don't take all this banter too seriously. Reader's Digest is a great publication for many people and as you say it has stood the test of time. I've spent many hours in waiting rooms and it's the first book I grab.

If I read you correctly, you do have a subscription so why not trot off and see if you still have the Jan 05 issue kicking around. I really would like to confirm what the Apnea article was all about. You may well get the chance to tell neversleeps "I told you so"!

Bob F


Post by Guest » Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:01 pm

Sometimes it's difficult on a forum such as this to decipher between playful bantering & bashing, but I will err on the side of humor & hope that's all it was. I certainly don't rely on RD as a primary medical resource, but many times their articles have led people (including me) to get the help they need or raise their "aha" level so that they seek out more information for a particular symptom or disease.
As for back issues of RD, I recycle & pass them on to others to read (I'm sure Irving & a few others are ) I don't remember reading the article you are speaking of, but will check it out at the library.
P.S. I always liked Highlights, too!!! And I'm a teacher, so add that to the list of my transgressions


Post by Guest » Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:02 pm

The last post was by me. Not sure what is going on since I logged in.

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Post by neversleeps » Sat Jun 04, 2005 1:24 pm

Lori, why on earth are you ashamed of being a teacher? There's nothing wrong with that! It is perhaps the most important profession in the world; educating our children. I don't think you should consider it a transgression.

Also, please don't be so defensive about Reader's Digest! No one is bashing you! I'm not sure why you are so sensitive about having a subscription. As I stated before and am now restating, I had no intention of insulting you for reading it. I am insulting Reader's Digest's "reporting". As I said previously, they pick and choose what information they feel like imparting from another publication, then add in their own snippets (like obesity) that were never even a part of the original document. (In this case for their own agenda, as ozij discussed in a previous post on this thread.)

I don't like Reader's Digest. How you interpreted that as a personal attack, I do not know. No one is 'bashing' you, as you called it! I wholeheartedly agree with you,
....& hope you someday will become enlightened & a bit more caring of other peoples feelings & opinions.

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Post by Lori » Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:44 pm

LOL...okay, so I can't win! Some of you really like to argue/banter/whatever you want to call it. IF you read the posts (& others caught this, too) there was criticism. The fact that I read RD must make me really dumb because the articles are dumb. There's also a saying that if you can't say something nice...remember that one? If you don't like Reader's Digest then why not just pass over the post? It was meant for info for anyone who might be interested, not as fodder for a bashing thread. Sorry to be so sensitive, must be my OSA acting up