Respironics/Remstar System Question

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Posts: 193
Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:06 pm

Post by SleepyGuy » Sat Nov 13, 2004 8:12 pm

Miko wrote:
I don't know how well the Nexium is working but I do know that unless I am very very careful, I can develop abdominal discomfort gas, and or pain soon after eating. My previous GP said I have refux, but I also have ulcerative colitis or some other form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. ...

As far as surgery goes, I don't know if this will remedy anything as we really don't know the "official" physiological reason why the esophaegeal (sp?) sphincter is so sensitive to the pressure of the CPAP machine.
I have quite a bit of stomach acid and I even used to have mild regurgitation at night. (That means stomach contents makes it all the way up into the throat.)

I also had problems with my bowels. The most annoying was mucous. It meant I had to go back to the bathroom several times after moving my bowels to clean up the mucous that would then leak out.

I saw a gastroenterologist at a major teaching hospital. All he did was put me on prilosec. This got rid of the acid, but I still had the regurgitation, although it was no longer acidic.

I finally discovered I had a fairly severe intolerance for both dairy and any product with high fructose corn syrup which includes just about all sweetened drinks. After I discontinued these, I no longer had the regurgitation problem, thank God.

A friend of mine had lactose intolerance. His doctor ordered a stool test. The result showed he had major h. pylori in his system. After treating with antibiotics, his lactose intolerance disappeared! (This is not always the case.)

I then went back to a more alternative doctor I had seen before. He ordered a stool test. It's kind of gross, but I did it. I got the results recently. I have several kinds of bugs living in my system. One is h. pylori. There is another bug in my colon and several more in my small intestine. The ones in the small intestine are not known to cause problems, but they shouldn't be there.

I just started on antibiotics for h. pylori. After getting done with this round of antibiotics, I will start on different ones to get rid of some of the other bugs. Already the the mucous in the stools seems to have cleared up!

Find a doctor that will order a stool test from the Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab. I'm not trying to push the lab, but frankly from what I've read, they have the best reputation for this kind of test. (My test kit said Great Smokies on it, but it was analyzed at a different lab. I assume there is some kind of licensing/subcontracting agreement here.) Most gastroenterologists don't order this test, but it's the best for getting the answer on GI problems.

Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:31 pm

Post by Miko » Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:18 pm

Sleepguy, thanks for the post.

I am in Canada, I was tested several times for plylori bacteria and it always came back negative. Could you provide more specific information on the name of the stool test? Nobody here will send the stool to the USA for examination, it has to be within Canada.

Diet I believe has a major role when it comes to IB disease, even though the scientific community will never acknowledge this.