First sleep study, opinions please

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First sleep study, opinions please

Post by Spiritus » Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:23 pm


I finally got the results back from my sleep study, and I'm wondering if anyone here can tell me what the results signify?

I slept 292.5 minutes
7 Central apneas
No Obstructive apneas
82 Hypopneas
Apnea + hypopnea index 18.3/hour rising to 23.9/hour in supine position and 32.7/hour in REM sleep
Snoring moderate to loud and present for 80-90% of total sleep time
Sleep efficiency 78.8%
Sleep onset took 34.3 minutes
REM latency was 133.5 minutes
Significant reduction in REM sleep
Arterial oxygen saturation above 90% in non-REM sleep but below 90% 20% of the time in REM sleep
52.9 PLM/hour with 8.6 causing arousals
Total arousal index 27.1/hour with 8/hour due to respiratory events, 8.6/hour due to PLMs, and 10.5/hour either spontaneous or snoring induced.

Also, these PLM things; are they anything to worry about?




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Repy to Rob

Post by Titrator » Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:54 pm

Hi Rob,

Welcome to!!!

I looks like you have sleep apea. You desaturate in REM sleep, meaning your blood oxygen levels drop into the abnormal range.

From what your study shows, you have moderate sleep apnea. The Periodic Limb Movements will also be looked at during a titration study. You may end up needing a medication to help the restless leg syndrome, though it may take care of itself once you have a mask on.

I bet you haven't been sleeping well lately and have been very tired. Using a cpap will help you tremendously.

Please post the results of your titration study.

Best Wishes,

Ted, the titrator.

Humidifier: IntelliPAP Integrated Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Patiently waiting for the Intellipap Auto Software


Re: Repy to Rob

Post by Guest » Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:49 am

Titrator wrote:Hi Rob,

Welcome to!!!

I looks like you have sleep apea. You desaturate in REM sleep, meaning your blood oxygen levels drop into the abnormal range.

From what your study shows, you have moderate sleep apnea. The Periodic Limb Movements will also be looked at during a titration study. You may end up needing a medication to help the restless leg syndrome, though it may take care of itself once you have a mask on.

I bet you haven't been sleeping well lately and have been very tired. Using a cpap will help you tremendously.

Please post the results of your titration study.

Best Wishes,

Ted, the titrator.


Thanks for the reply. Yes, my sleep is pretty crummy. I go to bed, conk out somewhat quickly, and then wake up feeling like I haven't really slept much. Mid morning, if I try to do something repetitive, like a series of phone calls, or working through a tutorial, I get irresistably sleepy. If I have a nap, I'm fine until mid afternoon, where the cycle repeats itself.

The doctor who analyzed my data (a respirologist) sent the report to my MD, who then referred me back to the respirologist. Supposedly someone will call me to book an appointmenr with this new doctor, where I'll have to another overnight study for tituration. Is this correct?

Since my report indicated that I NEVER enter stage 3 or 4 sleep, I'm hoping that CPAP will make a difference. I'm really looking forward to moving ahead with this. I'm tired of being tired.



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Post by LDuyer » Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:30 am

I'm in awe reading your questions and the responses!

Like you I am new. I've had the sleep test. Fortunately I also had that second test, the one they test you with the cpap. They did both in one nite, thankfully. I guess they were quite sure I had this apnea thing. Just yesterday I went to a followup visit to the doctor. But I admit to being intimidated by this pulminary doctor to whom I was referred. He explained a few things, but I even had to beg for a copy of the report. I had asked some questions but didn't even ask about many of the numbers you listed. Your input and others' answers help me immensely. So, I too have yet to receive my machine. I'm told I have severe apnea and my oxygen level is dangerously low. (It even makes me scared to lie down and sleep at nite) So I'm anxious for treatment and groan that I have to wait. Like you, I'm tired of being tired.

Keep asking questions. You don't know who all can learn from your own questions -- I know I have.

Honored to read your comments.


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wading thru the muck!
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Post by wading thru the muck! » Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:25 am

Hi Rob/Linda

Isn't this forum great. You get a proffesional opinion on your results from Ted and all this support and encouragement.

Linda, great job being assertive and getting a copy of your results. I have yet to get a hard copy of mine. Just the results my Doc gave me verbally. Try not to be concerned about sleeping. Remember that just knowing about your apnea doesn't make it any worse than before you knew. Hope you get your machine soon so you can sleep easier. It seems to take longer than it should though.

Good luck to both of you,
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!