Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

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Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by RobertS975 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:57 am

OK, as some of you may remember, I am a recently retired physician who through almost 40 years of medical practice, always carried a healthy appreciation and respect for all that medical science did not know as well as an understanding and realization that much of what we think we know will turn out to be wrong. Before I was officially diagnosed over 5 years ago, I used to try to calm my several CPAP using friends who would panic during various prolonged (many hours to days) power failures from winter blizzards or tropical storms. My argument went along the lines of this: you had sleep apnea for years before you were diagnosed and treated, so the risk of a night or two off treatment, I felt, was a negligible for an adverse event.

However, the more thought I have given to the possible risk of an interruption to CPAP therapy from a power failure, my thinking is now a polar opposite to what it once was. The untreated individual with sleep apnea has accommodated to the condition, that is to say the cardiovascular system and CNS has completely gotten used to frequent episodes of hypoxia which have been experienced nightly for years. That carries risks of adverse events obviously, but hear me out. Now take an individual who has been successfully treated with CPAP/APAP therapy for a long period and suddenly interrupt that therapy with a power failure. When that person falls asleep off therapy, the body is no longer used to the severely depressed oxygen levels because the once present physiological "accommodations" have long since disappeared on proper therapy. So I am now of the belief that it is certainly possible that an interruption of longstanding therapy may actually carry more risk of an adverse event (Stroke, MI, arrhythmia etc.) than the same hypoxemia levels numbers may have presented when these numbers were commonplace and occurring on a nightly basis for years!

I do not know of any data that shows that adverse events rise among OSA patients after large power outage events such as hurricanes and winter storms. I don't know if this has ever been looked at! It would be interesting to try to gather this kind of data. The implication of these assumptions that I am positing is that battery backup capability may be considered essential medical equipment and not as a "camping luxury". And as such, it is something that insurance should cover

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by ChicagoGranny » Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:16 pm

RobertS975 wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:57 am
So I am now of the belief that it is certainly possible that an interruption of longstanding therapy may actually carry more risk of an adverse event (Stroke, MI, arrhythmia etc.) than the same hypoxemia levels numbers may have presented when these numbers were commonplace and occurring on a nightly basis for years!
+1 Agree
RobertS975 wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:57 am
it is something that insurance should cover
Disagree. Too many chances for abuse.

There are 8+ million CPAP users in the U.S. Most of them will never have a night without electricity.

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by LSAT » Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:22 pm

I think if it was an event such as a hurricane, most people would have been encouraged to evacuate to safer locations . Hopefully they would have brought their machines. I know that if I was involved in a flood, hurricane or winter disaster, I would not be sleeping much during that period....machine or not.

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by RobertS975 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:36 pm

LSAT wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:22 pm
I think if it was an event such as a hurricane, most people would have been encouraged to evacuate to safer locations . Hopefully they would have brought their machines. I know that if I was involved in a flood, hurricane or winter disaster, I would not be sleeping much during that period....machine or not.
Larry, the only people who are evacuated during hurricanes are those who live in flood zones. Many millions may lose power that do not get evacuated. And many who do get evacuated to community shelters such as schools etc which also lose their power. Guess that in Wisconsin, you don't have to worry too much about hurricanes. :)

Granny, if the risk of an adverse event or death in successfully treated OSA patients was shown to be significantly greater during interruptions in their therapy, then individuals should have a power backup plan in place. Tesla makes a solar charged PowerWall which costs big bucks. But if produced in great numbers, an UPS battery system for CPAP machines should be an essential part of an OSA patient's arsenal. And insurance companies need to bow to the demands of the standards of care. And truthfully, there are very few areas of the country that are immune to power failures.

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by chunkyfrog » Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:54 pm

If one is evacuated, it would be appropriate to ask for a bed near an outlet.
I would consider my breathing more important than anybody's phone/tablet.
Pack your cpap with a couple extension cords.
Breathing at night is my addiction.
I feel like crap when I have to skip.

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by Janknitz » Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:22 pm

I live in an area in Northern California devastated by wildfires in 2017. The fires stopped 1/2 mile from our home and we evacuated for 3 days. We were very fortunate-didn't even lose electricity. Many people whose homes survived lost electricity and had to buy new refrigerators because after after nearly a week without electricity their fridges were ruined by rotting food.

This year we are being threatened with the electricity being turned off for days and perhaps weeks in an effort to prevent high winds and hot dry conditions from pulling down power lines and sparking more fires. I have speculated about what to do about my CPAP (marine battery with solar recharger) but haven't done anything yet. :shock: Since I am self-employed and cannot conduct my business without my computer and printer, I think I'm going to have to go elsewhere during a long power outage anyway. What a pain in the neck!!!

I hadn't thought about the increased risk. I think you have a good point, because I have had some scary apneas when I fall asleep even momentarily (and sitting upright) without my mask. I can't believe my body used to do that so many times an hour!!!

I sure don't want to be one of the statistics in your proposed study!

With wildfires we had the added issue of terrible air quality as well. The only time I was comfortable was with my mask on. Being unable to use it would be hell.
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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by Goofproof » Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:33 pm

Went and reread the "Bill of Rights", couldn't find anything about Electric Service.

It would seem to me if you were really worried about it, you would make and use a backup plan, if for nothing less than easing your mind. Instead you seem to want others to pay for your solution, How Liberal of You! :roll: Jim
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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by ChicagoGranny » Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:42 pm

RobertS975 wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:36 pm
But if produced in great numbers
8+ million batteries, 98% of which will never be used. Maybe it's 99% will never be used since a large contingent of people who take CPAPs home never achieve compliance.
RobertS975 wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:36 pm
And insurance companies need to bow to the demands of the standards of care.
"Bow"? How about increase the premiums to pay for 8+million batteries? Who will pay for that?
RobertS975 wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:36 pm
Granny, if the risk of an adverse event or death in successfully treated OSA patients was shown to be significantly greater during interruptions in their therapy, then individuals should have a power backup plan in place.
That's just your opinion without any analysis to support it. (But, it is good to have backup plans.)

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by jim22 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 4:20 pm

I'm not so sure its a matter of being conditioned to low oxygen levels, but i do believe in being conditioned to respond to events efficiently enough to recover without completely waking up. I never really knew i had apnea, but after 5 years of treatment, sleeping without CPAP is nearly impossible, i just keep waking up.

I have parts on hand to assemble a car battery from one of my vehicles into a battery box to connect to my CPAP. It remains to be seen if i am motivated enough to put it together before a threat. I know a car battery will not like deep cycling, but i am willing to replace it if i ever need to use it. So, each car has a viable backup battery, fully charged at all times.

Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by D.H. » Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:40 pm

Electricity has been considered a necessity for a long time (pretty much for the lifetime of anybody alive today).

However, it is even more essential than ever, due to CPAP machines, dialysis machines, medicines that need refrigeration, etc. Most hospitals already have backup generators for this reason!

The "Green New Deal" needs to include strengthening the electric grid with the idea that outages - for any reason - are unacceptable!

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by ChicagoGranny » Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:32 pm

D.H. wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:40 pm
The "Green New Deal" needs to include strengthening the electric grid with the idea that outages - for any reason - are unacceptable!
Try to keep up with the progress that utilities are making. The innovative changes in the electric grid are being made rapidly without any interference from a bunch of idiots in Washington. Get Washington involved and watch innovation slow way down and costs go way up. :evil:

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by D.H. » Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:54 pm

ChicagoGranny wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:32 pm
D.H. wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:40 pm
The "Green New Deal" needs to include strengthening the electric grid with the idea that outages - for any reason - are unacceptable!
Try to keep up with the progress that utilities are making. The innovative changes in the electric grid are being made rapidly without any interference from a bunch of idiots in Washington. Get Washington involved and watch innovation slow way down and costs go way up. :evil:
The wires in my neighborhood are still overhead. The power was out for four days in a hurricane. I don't see any proposal to remedy this.

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by palerider » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:20 pm

D.H. wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:54 pm
ChicagoGranny wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:32 pm
D.H. wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:40 pm
The "Green New Deal" needs to include strengthening the electric grid with the idea that outages - for any reason - are unacceptable!
Try to keep up with the progress that utilities are making. The innovative changes in the electric grid are being made rapidly without any interference from a bunch of idiots in Washington. Get Washington involved and watch innovation slow way down and costs go way up. :evil:
The wires in my neighborhood are still overhead. The power was out for four days in a hurricane. I don't see any proposal to remedy this.
Would that the power to your computer (and phone) be out permanently.

Mask: Bleep DreamPort CPAP Mask Solution
Additional Comments: S9 VPAP Auto

Accounts to put on the foe list: dataq1, clownbell, gearchange, lynninnj, mper!?, DreamDiver, Geer1, almostadoctor, sleepgeek, ajack, stom, mogy, D.H., They often post misleading, timewasting stuff.

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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by Kiralynx » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:03 pm

RobertS975 wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:57 am
However, the more thought I have given to the possible risk of an interruption to CPAP therapy from a power failure, my thinking is now a polar opposite to what it once was. The untreated individual with sleep apnea has accommodated to the condition, that is to say the cardiovascular system and CNS has completely gotten used to frequent episodes of hypoxia which have been experienced nightly for years. That carries risks of adverse events obviously, but hear me out. Now take an individual who has been successfully treated with CPAP/APAP therapy for a long period and suddenly interrupt that therapy with a power failure. When that person falls asleep off therapy, the body is no longer used to the severely depressed oxygen levels because the once present physiological "accommodations" have long since disappeared on proper therapy. So I am now of the belief that it is certainly possible that an interruption of longstanding therapy may actually carry more risk of an adverse event (Stroke, MI, arrhythmia etc.) than the same hypoxemia levels numbers may have presented when these numbers were commonplace and occurring on a nightly basis for years!
I was diagnosed with apnea as a result of hip pain while sleeping.

In 2012, after almost 4 years of therapy, Hurricane Isaac came to town. My home is on some of the highest ground in New Orleans. It has never flooded to date, not even when we have 12 inches of rain in 10 hours.

We were without power for seven days.

I was in pain the first morning after no BIPAP.

The second morning, I was unable to sit up. The pain was so severe. My husband managed to help me sit up, and the pain eased somewhat as I was breathing properly. But when I went to stand up, I couldn't. Not even with my husband's help. I sat there for a good three hours before I could get up -- with the help of the walker I had used 4 years previous after my cancer surgery.

I spent the remaining five days sleeping upright in my desk chair. When we got power back, finally, I put on my mask and crashed for about twelve hours.

I contacted my power company to see about getting on the "quick restore" list for future events. I was informed that because loss of my CPAP was not a life-threatening issue, I was ineligible.

Shortly thereafter, my father lent us the money for a whole house generator.

Mask: TAP PAP Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Improved Stability Mouthpiece
Additional Comments: Sleepyhead software, not listed. Currently using Dreamstation ASV, not listed
-- Kiralynx
Beastie, 2008-10-28. NEW Beastie, PRS1 960, 2014-05-14. NEWER Beastie, Dream Station ASV, 2017-10-17. PadaCheek Hosecover. Homemade Brandy Keg Chin Support. TapPap Mask.
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Re: Question for the Wisdom of the Group on Power Failures

Post by Kiralynx » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:05 pm

ChicagoGranny wrote:
Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:32 pm

Try to keep up with the progress that utilities are making. The innovative changes in the electric grid are being made rapidly without any interference from a bunch of idiots in Washington. Get Washington involved and watch innovation slow way down and costs go way up. :evil:
While I mostly agree with you that getting Washington involved could be problematic, I sure as hades haven't seen innovative changes in the grid.

Mask: TAP PAP Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Improved Stability Mouthpiece
Additional Comments: Sleepyhead software, not listed. Currently using Dreamstation ASV, not listed
-- Kiralynx
Beastie, 2008-10-28. NEW Beastie, PRS1 960, 2014-05-14. NEWER Beastie, Dream Station ASV, 2017-10-17. PadaCheek Hosecover. Homemade Brandy Keg Chin Support. TapPap Mask.
Min PS = 4, Max PS = 8
Epap Range = 6 - 7.5