So uterly and completely fed up with being constantly tired!

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So uterly and completely fed up with being constantly tired!

Post by OSA_stinks » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:17 am

So im a new site user, about to take my sleep test tomorrow to see if i have OSA. Basically had sleep issues for about 10+ years. I explain my past in my 1st post.

Like the post says i am so flippin tired of being tired ! If i indeed do have treatable sleep/oxygen issues than i hope, i hope, i hope, that i get some answers soon (ideally tomorrow).

With my list of symptoms in hand, im realizing just how much this(osa) possible iproblem has permeated every facet of my life, for more than a decade! Ive known for a long time i slept poorly, but to be reading what exactly are the effects that osa can do to a persons body is a much different prospect.

I don't think that i feel guilt for not getting tested sooner, bc i feel that i actively explored every other possibilty. But it is sad to think that i have been ignorantly trudgung the mucky water if life with osa, and all the struggles that myself and my wife have been through( that could have been potentially avoided with earlier treatment). But like i said, no guilt, just a bit sad to think about. And i am not one to dwell on the past.

I like this analogy i heard recently (paraphrased)

Negativity ( anger, hate, regret, etc) is like holding a stone in your hand. At first its manageable, but as time passes it becomes harder(more painful) to hold onto. The best thing possible is to let go.

I guess ill plug up my brain leak for now

Ill be in touch when i know whats what


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Re: So uterly and completely fed up with being constantly tired!

Post by BlackSpinner » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:24 am

Negativity ( anger, hate, regret, etc) is like holding a stone in your hand. At first its manageable, but as time passes it becomes harder(more painful) to hold onto. The best thing possible is to let go.
But those feelings, if channelled and focused, can be used to throw that rock really hard and far! Use that energy to become one with the force, I mean the mask.... Use it to become a patient who take control of their therapy.

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Re: So uterly and completely fed up with being constantly tired!

Post by Mary Z » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:31 am

Joel, Good luck. If you do have sleep apnea you will probably go through the stages of grief. Your body is failing you in such a dramatic way- your breathing at night. Though the treatment can be straightforward and simple, it is a big change. It hopefully be a change for the better and the basic treatment- CPAP- will get you up and running and not so tired in the future. I hope your sleep test goes well. A few suggestions- if you think you will have problems sleeping with all the wires and gear you may want to take a sleeping pill. One pill for one night should not necessarily skew your results. Ask the tech or the doc if you have reservations. If you have a special pillow take that one. Think of spending the night out and getting up early the next morning and plan accordingly.
Keep us posted.

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Re: So uterly and completely fed up with being constantly tired!

Post by jdr999 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:13 am

Mary Z wrote:Your body is failing you in such a dramatic way
This is the key ^^^^^^

For me, I could handle being tired. Used to it - it's just normal.. Sure I fall asleep while watching TV, get tired in vehicles, have to fight staying awake while driving - but again, normal for me. I really never slept well, but heck it was only sleep and I was tough enough to handle something as petty as that.

Well, fast forward.. My body seems to be self-destructing before my very eyes.. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, gerd, esophageal spasms, laziness, excess weight, no motivation, etc. My productivity is at an all time low, I'm just getting by. And now all these other issues make getting by even harder.

No way to really know what's related to what, it simply is what it is. My AHI was in the 90's with my saturation in the very low 70's. In retrospect I can certainly see how that can throw a monkey wrench into your system..

So get checked, and if need be join the rest of us here. The other option isn't so pretty!

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Re: So uterly and completely fed up with being constantly tired!

Post by Julie » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:45 pm

JDR - you're not lazy, you're tired. And the weight is now seen by many scientists as just as likely to be a result of OSA as otherwise (same as GERD), and in your present state it would be hard to deal with, so just focus on one thing at a time, one day, etc., and be glad you at least did find a name for it now. Good luck.

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Re: So uterly and completely fed up with being constantly tired!

Post by NotLazyJustTired » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:46 pm

What you are feeling is quite normal, IMO. I spent many years in denial...writing it all off as just getting older and slowing down. But then I started to notice that I spent zero time doing the things I love. Finally I went to see a doctor about it and my acid reflux. When he explained to me that I probably had sleep apnea and the acid reflux was most likely related to it I was shocked and became very depressed. You see I had suffered from acid reflux for over 20 years and never bothered to do anything about it past OTC drugs which in the end were ineffective. All those years I was slowly putting my body through the stress of SBD and building up a sleep deficit that is huge. Yes, it was very upsetting to me to learn that this was completely avoidable with treatment. All those years wasted!

But hang in there. What is in the past is in the past. You are taking action now and you are protecting your future. That is what counts. Hold on to this thought, "The future You will look back on this period of time and thank you for the actions you are taking now."

Mask: Swift™ FX Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: SleepyHead software; Pressure 7-15
"So oftentimes it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key."
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Sleep Well, Frank