increased AHI levels and stress

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increased AHI levels and stress

Post by wallster » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:34 pm

Last week, I had to rush my Mother to the hospital because she had undiagnosed pnuemonia. When we arrived at the hospital, she had stopped breathing but was intubated and stablized. She's had some ups and downs but she's improving. Unfortunatly, she's still on a respirator but we expect her to be extubated soon. Before this happened, I was averaging an AHI level of approx.4.5 with 10cmH2O pressure. Since this event, I have had 9-12 AHI levels with the same pressure setting. My diet has remained the same, only my stress level has been augmented. I also noticed that my lowest AHI levels (before this time) was always registered on a Saturday night, a night that is usually followed by non work activity and mental relaxation.

Has anyone ever experienced similar findings during stressfull events?



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Re: increased AHI levels and stress

Post by jamiswolf » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:41 pm

So sorry your mother is sick. I hope she pulls through.

I experienced a prolonged illness and death with my Dad about 7 years ago. And yes, there was much stress. I wasn't on cpap at the time.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if your current stressful situation relates to AHI.

So hang in there...and ride it out.

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Re: increased AHI levels and stress

Post by soundersfootballclub » Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:05 pm

I have much more restless sleep when I am stressed. Sounds normal to me. I also find that my machine will inaccurately register my AHI because I get up so often and it thinks I am having more sleep pauses when I'm not. Sorry about your situation I hope everything works out and you can get back to normal.
