Does anyone "flunk" sleep study?

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Does anyone "flunk" sleep study?

Post by Missy » Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:07 am

Morning all~My husband was sent for a consultation with the same sleep doc I go to, and was set up for a sleep study. I was wondering if anyone has ever "flunked" a sleep study. I mean, has anyone here ever had a study done and was not prescribed cpap therapy? Just curious....

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Post by sleepyred » Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:31 am

Yes - sure did! I have UARS (upper airway resistance syndrome) and RLS. I did not have enough "micro arousals" to qualify for a cpap. My doc was so frustrated as he watched me become more tired and just sent me home with an auto cpap and downloaded the data. He appealed the insurance company and they gave me one month to "prove" that I would be compliant. I was and I got it!

Haven't felt better in my life! It took so long for the appeal to go through, that one the same day I got my cpap for a trial, my doc's nurse called and said my doc had a spare machine he was giving me to use until it was cleared up. Did not need it at that point - but my point is that my doc went with his gut instincts that cpap therapy would be what I needed and he was so correct!

As for my RLS - he went by my history (screaming with leg pains as a child, kicking the daylights out of my sister when we were kids and had to share a bed and being told by our parents to "work it out", and by literally shaking my hubby out of the bed (he weights over 100 lbs more than me!) when I would put my feet between the foot board and mattress to try to relieve that awful feeling in my legs. So now I'm on Mirapex and my symptoms have been reduced by I'd say 90%!

Never had a 2nd sleep study but have know others who have and then prescribed a cpap.

Does your hubby snore? What are his symptoms? Gosh - a sleep study is just a small moment of time to completely dx sleep issues! I look at it this way - I cannot sleep when I'm on a trip the 1st night in a strange room, strange bed. Hook me up to all those monitors - yeah - ideal sleeping situation - ha!


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Post by Guest » Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:38 am

Sleepyred~Yeah, he does snore. Not terribly, but he also had the pulseox done and it showed impaired oxygen levels, so that's why the doc referred him for a follow-up with the sleep doc. I hope he can get some help, as I can clearly tell he's sleep deprived! I almost feel guilty wishing for him to get the cpap, as I know it can be pretty daunting, but on the other hand, I want him to feel better asap.

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Post by sleepyred » Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:49 am

Good luck - sounds like a follow-up is just what he needs. I just know that a cpap has changed my life! And I know you are concerned about his health - which is so very important! And he has you as a wonderful support!


[quote="Anonymous"]Sleepyred~Yeah, he does snore. Not terribly, but he also had the pulseox done and it showed impaired oxygen levels, so that's why the doc referred him for a follow-up with the sleep doc. I hope he can get some help, as I can clearly tell he's sleep deprived! I almost feel guilty wishing for him to get the cpap, as I know it can be pretty daunting, but on the other hand, I want him to feel better asap.

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Flunked sleep study

Post by kteague » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:09 am

A sleep study is only as good as how representative it is of one's normal sleep and how good the tech is who scores the study.

I snored mildly even when a young woman and trim, and had symptoms of sleep apnea (headaches, occassional memory issues, sleepyheaded). In mid 90's docs first thought of sleep apnea after epidoses of waking with heart racing. Had no insurance so didn't get first study till late 90's. First 3 studies over 5 years showed no sleep apnea, but then again, I hardly slept due to frequent awakenings from PLMD. Was finally diagnosed in I think 2005.

And I know at least 3 other people personally that took years of struggling before the tests finally picked up the apnea. Oh that everyone could have a doc like Sleepyred's doc who didn't stop at the single test.

Missy, your hubby is one step ahead since this scene is not all new in your household. Many ARE diagnosed first time out. If he has OSA, let's expect him to be in that number. Let us know how it turns out.


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Re: Flunked sleep study

Post by sleepyred » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:37 am

Yes I have a wonderful sleep doc, but I should add that this was after 20 plus years (before I found this sleep doc!) that I was told - "you are way to skinny to have sleep issues! Or any kind of excuse they could think of - you just got married, wait - you just had a baby! Oh - you just had your 2nd baby! Hey - I know your problem - you just changed jobs!

Then my GP said - wait one minute - you need a sleep doc and I have just the one for you! And that day changed my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Kathy - I had one of those sleep techs (oh my!) who said when I came out that morning - you are a perfect sleeper - wish I could sleep like that! So I thought I was headed down another dead end road! Mine was obviously not representative of my normal sleep!

Thanks for your input Kathy!

kteague wrote:A sleep study is only as good as how representative it is of one's normal sleep and how good the tech is who scores the study.

I snored mildly even when a young woman and trim, and had symptoms of sleep apnea (headaches, occassional memory issues, sleepyheaded). In mid 90's docs first thought of sleep apnea after epidoses of waking with heart racing. Had no insurance so didn't get first study till late 90's. First 3 studies over 5 years showed no sleep apnea, but then again, I hardly slept due to frequent awakenings from PLMD. Was finally diagnosed in I think 2005.

And I know at least 3 other people personally that took years of struggling before the tests finally picked up the apnea. Oh that everyone could have a doc like Sleepyred's doc who didn't stop at the single test.

Missy, your hubby is one step ahead since this scene is not all new in your household. Many ARE diagnosed first time out. If he has OSA, let's expect him to be in that number. Let us know how it turns out.


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Post by Gerald » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:09 am


I almost flunked a study....I've had (3). About 7-years ago, I had my first study....and I nearly walked out in the middle of the night. They had me wired a hospital bed....with a vinyl mattress cover. There was no way I could sleep on that hot vinyl!

I finally told them that if they didn't put some cotton padding between me and the vinyl, I was "outta there"! They wanted the they fixed the bed......and I went to sleep.

Before the last study I had, I demanded that they allow me to encase the wires in a soft tube-type cover....much like the hose covers so many of us use to prevent rain-out. You'd think something simple like that wire-cover would become the norm.....but Noooooooooo!

Tell your husband to tough it out....just get through it....get his prescription....and then, set about to manage his own treatment with a good machine with software.

If you don't already have software that allows you to watch and manage your own your progress, get it for him on the black market. Don't depend on the doctors, DME's, or RT's. To them, your husband is just livestock to be run thru the system......and "milked" in the process. Realize that he'd get better, more compassionate treatment at a Vet....and just "play the game" until he gets his prescription.

Do a little research on what machine he wants.....consult with them to give him a sample prescription that'll allow him to purchase whatever he wants....then, demand ( first) that the doctor write the prescription exactly the way he (your husband) wants it to be written.

Along with the prescription, demand (nicely, at first) a full and complete copy of his sleep study. This data will come in handy later.

Your husband won't "flunk" unless the sleep study people don't get the bucks. They don't get the bucks if he walks out.

They want the, he won't flunk.


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Post by Guest » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:38 am

Gerald, I think they get the bucks even if you 'flunk out'. Pass or fail, insurance pays or you do.

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Post by Nazareth » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:48 am

Yup- I flunked and had to stay back a year Not really, but I only slept 1 1/2 hours on the mask- my first test was better- without the machine, but I just couldn't get comfortable with the second test- I thought sure I wasn't going to get to sleep- but right at the end ofd the study., I guess I managed to get a few winks fortunately- but it almost wasn't enough for the insurance- They generally require two hours of sleep before they'll warrant covering a machine- but so far, myt insurance hasn't squacked- yet anyways.

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Post by SisterShotgun » Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:01 am

I flunked too, according to my doctor other HMO's would not have even considered giving me a CPAP for treatment, however, I have TriCare and I met their criteria and was given the CPAP..I can't tell you how much better I feel. I am now sleeping all night without having to go to the bathroom 3+ times a night, more energy I have ever had in my life, no more headaches. I am losing weight without having to change my diet, did I mention I have more energy My children can't keep up with me, my oldest boy looked at me yesterday and said "who are you and what have you done with my mother, you know the one who was always falling asleep sitting up" We went swimming yesterday and I did 50 laps without a break..I feel so alive!!


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Post by Nazareth » Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:40 am

You know, it's funny, insurances balk at having to cover something like these breathing mahcines, and yet, doing so would tremendously cut down on thbeir costs by improving our health in so many areas- like sugar problems, acid refulx problems, blood pressure problems, messed up hormone problems, and a host of other ailments caused by improbper sleep. Ordering one proper machine for apnea patients, getting htem feeling 100 times better, would result in huge cost cutting for these insurance companies. It would probably save these companies many many millions of dollars each year if they'd just shell out the dough for one machine, and maybe a few masks along the way- but instead, they fight tooth and nail telling us how expensive soem of hte machines are, and bal;king at sleep study numbers that aren't conclusive or meet their strict guidlines- meanwhile, we're suffering fdrom all these sleep caused ailments alomng the way, when all along, we could have been much healthier and not needed the myriad of medications that cioould have been prevented if we just got soem good sleep. Doesn't make sense

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Post by Wolfmarsh » Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:56 am

They had me wired a hospital bed....with a vinyl mattress cover. There was no way I could sleep on that hot vinyl!
God, that sounds miserable.

The sleep lab at the local hospital here was sponsored by a furniture company locally. Every room is furnished just like a full hotel room, and had a great queen size bed for me to sleep in, with real bedding and pillows and stuff. There was even a dresser, entertainment center, etc...

I really enjoyed the lab I went to.

The tech there was really nice too, I showed up there at 8, and wasnt nearly ready to go to bed, so we hung out and watched goodfellas on tv for a while.

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Post by oceanpearl » Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:10 pm

I stayed up all night to study for a urine test.
I just want to go back to sleep!

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Another flunkie here!!

Post by Vickey » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:54 pm

I flunked, only 2 episodes of apnea. No real snoring. But Dr. decided I was too tired to ignore, so we tried the APAP for a month. Seems I only have an average of 2 episodes of apnea per night. BUT, I breathe so shallow most of the time that it was affecting my sleep, so I am on the APAP permanently for that. At least that is my understanding.

