Leaky Eyes?

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Leaky Eyes?

Post by jayber » Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:53 am

Hello! I'm new to cpaptalk as of a couple of weeks ago and find it to be an EXCELLENT site! My mask and I are great friends, and life is much better since I started CPAP therapy. I've been a hose-head since 1999 with a pressure range from 11 to 13. Through most of that time I have been afflicted with "bilateral subcutaneous emphysema of the orbits" or "leaky eyes". The CPAP air intermittently makes its way through my tear ducts causing a bubbling sensation and sometimes inflating my eyelids. It's annoying as all heck, and I'm concerned about the eyes becoming so dry as to make them prone to injury from an equally dry eylid. My sleep doc says he's heard of it, but offered no solutions. It occurs mostly in my right eye, and I sleep on my side with that eye buried in the pillow to stop the flow of air. When it affects both eyes, then I'm at a loss for a fix. Are there any appliances out there that can apply a small amount of pressure to each eye while I'm sleeping. I'm thinking some modified swim goggles might do the trick, but I'm open to suggestions. Anybody else been down this road before? Thanks!


Additional Comments: SPO 7500

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Post by momadams » Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:30 am

I was dealing with dry eye and a corneal erosion before starting CPAP, so I'm a bit paranoid about my nighttime eyes.

I'd been using Muro128 ointment at night and was told to continue that indefinitely. Since using the hose, I've noticed that it migrates to the inside corners of my eye by morning, covering the duct.

In addition, I made an ultrasuede eyeshade, essentially 2 ovals somewhat larger than my eye sockets. I didn't want to have to mess with a band of any sort, and since I was sleeping only on my back at that point, I made a second pair, sewed them together, and filled them with plastic pellets from the craft store - the sort meant for stuffed animals. It's enough weight to hold them in place - might just do the trick for your inflating eyelids.

Be sure to check with an opthalmologist for advice.


Additional Comments: Pressure 16 cm H2O at altitude 6550ft

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Post by teach » Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:32 am

This is interesting.. I have had air in my eyes and thought it was from the mask leaking. I always check and can't find a leak. I bet you are right it is from the pressure. I just use artificial tears in the am and before bed, but I wonder if a sleep mask would be enough. But then again if the pressure is coming from the inside.. I think the other post is right.. you would need weight on it. Keep us informed if you figure anything out!!!


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Post by mhacker » Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:28 am

I got it too. While researching I came across this.

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