Attention: onthefreeway About air dryer for cpap hose

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Attention: onthefreeway About air dryer for cpap hose

Post by AliceF » Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:25 am

Hello onthefreeway,

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I dry my cpap with a hair dryer. It works great. Probably over kill but I let it dry for 30 minutes.

DO BE CAREFUL. My hair dryer has an air setting and I tape it down so it stays air and not heat, but it will heat up and burn the hose if the cpap hose gets too close and restricts the air flow on the hair dryer.
So I built a cardboard funnel and taped it to my old hair dryer.
Then I set it up so my cpap hose and the end of my cardboard funnel are about 1 or 2 inches apart. Now the hair dryer does not heat up and burn the hose.

Just wanted to share this with you so you know not all of us are against using a hair dryer and I really don't question why you want to use a hair dryer or some method to quickly dry your air hose.
I personally worry about fungi and bacteria and viruses that all love to grow and muliple in wet moist places so I use a hair dryer.
Plus what a hassle it is to keep a wet hose over the shower rod or door for several days in hopes of it drying.

I hope this helps.

AliceF (brand new member of