Sleepyhead not uploading CMS50D+ data FIXED!

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Sleepyhead not uploading CMS50D+ data FIXED!

Post by tcaron20 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:07 pm

Recently bought a Contec CMS50D+ since Sleepyhead listed is as compatible for file uploads. Had a lot of trouble getting SleepyHead to import the file created from the upload to SPO2 Assistant.

A lot of web guidance on using the SPO2 Review software but it looks like this is old and no longer used. I got a copy of ver. 1.2 for my Win 10 laptop but it would not upload the data from the CMS50D+device.

Was getting a fail message: "No Oximetery module could parce the given file." The file was located in the directory that SPO2 Assistant saved it to.

Interestingly I had saved a small session from SPO2 Assistant to a folder on my D drive just called "CMS50+" and Sleephead accepted the upload!

I opened up my recent 9 hour session in SPO2 Assistant, after uploading from the device, and saved it to the drive D folder. It worked also!

Do not know why but I don't care. So many quirks with this thing but glad it is working. First night's 9 hour session showed some nasty dips in O2 levels related to mask leaks, below 80%.
Will monitor for false positives.

I hope this helps others.

Tom C.