I need help.

General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.

I need help.

Post by Deza » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:18 am

I've had cognitive issues for about 6 years (I'm 29 year old male). I have no memory. I have lost my vocabulary. I can't do basic arithmetic. I feel like my brain is has become rotten. I struggle with basic things like making coffee, speaking, typing this sentence. I am totally confused all of the time. If I go to switch off the light then I will get confused by what I was doing when I reach the light switch. Even getting my eyes to focus on this text is difficult.

Worst of all I was highly intelligent and graduated first in my class in high school. I can remember what it feels like to be be able to think and visual things in your mind, to have ambition and thoughts about the world and life.

I've seen a neurologist and he has sent me for an EEG and MRI and blood tests, multiple times. Nothing has come up. He's prescribed a lot of drugs but nothing has helped (concerta, modafinal, can't remember what else).

I've tried all kinds of diets (gluten free, carb free, sugar free, intermittent fasting) and exercise. I have tested my thyroid and it's fine.

I can't speak to anyone about this because all my friends and family just think I am depressed. When you look normal on the outside they won't accept that you aren't healthy. I have tried to live like this but I just can't cope anymore. For a few years I tried it but its getting worse and worse. Today was probably my worst day, I feel like a zombie. It has become really difficult to hide this from my coworkers.

The reason I am posting on this forum is because I am also really tired. I sleep about 7 hours a night (sometimes more, sometimes less), but I always feel tired. I wouldn't say that I would get to the point of falling asleep in the day, but I feel like i'm operating at about 60% wakefulness.

I'm really hoping I have some kind of sleeping disorder. I just want to feel normal again.

I am currently in Belgium (Antwerp) for work. Is there somewhere I can have a sleep study dont or borrow a CPAP machine and see if it does anything for me?
I am not fat, i'm really thin. I don't snore at all (unless I am intoxicated and sleep on my back). I have a deviated septum (from a punch). I have forward head posture.

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Re: I need help.

Post by Julie » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:44 am

Is there a reason you can't get a local doctor to refer you for a sleep study? That's usually how it's done.

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Re: I need help.

Post by LSAT » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:45 am

I sympathize with you, but, I find it strange that you are working and yet you claim....and I quote....

I've had cognitive issues for about 6 years (I'm 29 year old male). I have no memory. I have lost my vocabulary. I can't do basic arithmetic. I feel like my brain is has become rotten. I struggle with basic things like making coffee, speaking, typing this sentence. I am totally confused all of the time. If I go to switch off the light then I will get confused by what I was doing when I reach the light switch. Even getting my eyes to focus on this text is difficult.

What do you do that you can do with all these problems????

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Re: I need help.

Post by Christine L » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:48 am

LSAT wrote:What do you do that you can do with all these problems????
Uh, yeah. Sounds like he is just trying to get something going on the forum.



Re: I need help.

Post by Deza » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:58 am

I'm not trying to get something going. I guess I feel I have nothing to lose by posting.

I'm actually a software developer. It's easy to hide behind code because you can redo and redo it until it works. The extent of my memory that I need to use is just to find the files where I need to write the code. Nobody can see you actually struggle. Plus I don't have to interact with people which is the most risky part.

But whatever. I'll go away.

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Re: I need help.

Post by PoolQ » Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:06 am

There will be sleep centers where you are and they will listen to you. Go to your doctor or clinic and ask them to refer you to get a study done,
You are describing what I felt like right before I got diagnosed.
Sleeping MUCH better now

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Re: I need help.

Post by 49er » Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:18 am

Deza wrote:I'm not trying to get something going. I guess I feel I have nothing to lose by posting.

I'm actually a software developer. It's easy to hide behind code because you can redo and redo it until it works. The extent of my memory that I need to use is just to find the files where I need to write the code. Nobody can see you actually struggle. Plus I don't have to interact with people which is the most risky part.

But whatever. I'll go away.

Please stick around and ignore the previous comments that weren't helpful.

Anyway, I would also be curious as to why your doctor didn't refer you for a sleep study since that seems like the logical next step.

Hang in there and I am glad to hear you have a job where you can hide your deficiencies although it sounds very stressful.


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Re: I need help.

Post by popcpoo » Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:21 pm

I contacted the sleep center on my own. You don't need a referral unless your insurance requires it. The sleep center I contacted has doctors on staff that will meet with you and determine if you need to do a sleep study.

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Re: I need help.

Post by Julie » Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:33 pm

Popcopoo - it's quite possible that a referral IS needed in Belgium. It's certainly required in Canada and likely many other places, maybe even in the U.S. Your experience is lucky for you, but you can't assume it's the same for everyone.

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Re: I need help.

Post by SteveGold » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:06 pm

I'll never understand the enthusiasm for questioning the motives of newcomers asking for help. We all went undiagnosed for years at a stretch and we all did whatever we had to to meet our work/life obligations until we figured out what was going on. If you have a few hundred posts under your name, you know better than to chase away the new folks. Let's do better please.

Deza, as others have suggested, try to get a sleep study. Your doctor should be able to refer you. For most of us it's just a matter of describing our symptoms and saying, "I want to rule this out."