tonsillectomy and uvpp surgery on Wednesday.

General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.
Sleeping With The Enemy
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Post by Sleeping With The Enemy » Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:33 pm

Don't you guys remember that guy who was a doctor on "Biggest Loser", well he lost a ton of weight and got off his CPAP.


Post by Guest » Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:33 pm

Alright. Now we're getting somewhere. Did you have a followup PSG to show he no longer had OSA, or did he just stop using his CPAP because he figured his weight loss cured him? I hope you're going to tell us he had the PSG. At long last it would give us some verifiable proof, which is what we've all been hoping to hear.

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day 3 post surgery

Post by ljmcd » Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:41 pm

I am taking my hycet every 4 hours on the dot. Today, I decided to be a little braver. I gargled with salt water and made it 5 1/2 hours. I ate mashed potatoes for supper. I think those were the best ever!! My dr said that I would be experiencing pressure in my ears, which I am, she said that is why the 4th day would be the worst, so we will see how tomorrow is. My throat really isn't all that bad! What helps me the most is warmth. I have been drinking a lot of hot herbal tea. I have noticed that when I was a mouth breather, I snored through my mouth, since the uvula so big and tonsils were there. However, since I was on the CPAP I got trained to not open my mouth. So now I don't open my mouth and I snore through my nose. So my husband picked me up some breathe right strips and we will see how those go. That would truly suck to still snore. I had deviated septum surgery in 1993 and my sinuses look good. I could be due to the swelling. I will definately talk to my dr about that at my followup. If I have to go under the knife next time I will plan ahead and have my eyes done at the same time


Post by SLEEPYCD » Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:38 pm

I was thinking about you today, glad to hear you're doing well!!! It's kinda nice to be rid of all that excess baggage in your throat isn't it? As I recall day 5-10 were the worst for me, but I never got any sleep!!! About the eye surgery, you go girl!!!! Take care of yourself and keep us posted!!!!

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getting better by the moment

Post by ljmcd » Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:49 pm

I thought today would be a rough day. Woke up this morning with huge headache due to pressure in the ears. Took the Hycet and took some of my kids liquid grape motrin. I think the Children's motrin worked great. Finally took a shower and did about 6 loads of laundry, which shows my energy level is getting better. My meals have basically consisted of yogurt, but for supper, I get a little daring. Tonight I was able to tolerate angel hair pasta with buttersauce, carrots and real buttery garlic bread. My throat gets real swollen after I take a nap because I am mouth breathing. My husband said the breathe right strip didn't work last night. I am concerned about the snoring. I know that it is too soon to make any judgements since I am still very much swollen. I can talk, but I get real sore if I talk too much. So far I am satisfied with the surgery. My dr. said that it would be a lot better than I had anticipated and she has been right so far. Unfortunately, tomorrow is a school holiday and I will be home alone with 3 elementary aged kids. I already told them that if they get needy, they are going to grandmas! I had my surgery on Wednesday and got home from the hospital on Thursday. All my days have gotten progressively better with the exception of the headache, so we will see what tomorrow brings.

Sleeping With The Enemy
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Post by Sleeping With The Enemy » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:08 am

The snoring is normal after having this surgery done. It will eventually go away.

I had my tonsils/uvula taken out on 2/2/05. I'm doing great. It does get better....


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today was the bad day...

Post by ljmcd » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:53 pm

not a good day. Am so sore I couldn't even bring myself to swallow the Hycet. Finally did and it masked the pain for about an hour. The pain in my ears is really bad. I truly could not talk today, so I reverted to communicating with a pen and paper. I haven't eaten anything today either. Tried to take a nap, but the pressure was too much for even that. I guess today is the day everyone was warning me would come. However, I do remember that it gets better. However, I am so swollen, I feel like I have a sock in my mouth. I am hungry and I am not in a good mood. I have lost 8 lbs, though. I made the kids Manwiches for supper and almost cried because it smelled so good. I am going to try to down the Hycet and get some sleep.

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thanks for the encouragement!!

Post by ljmcd » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:55 pm

I really like hearing from those of you who are "survivors"!

Sleeping With The Enemy
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Post by Sleeping With The Enemy » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:20 pm

Just force yourself to take sips. I diluted my pain medication in water because it just seemed to help it go down with tiny little drinks.

Maybe you should ask your MD for a different pain medication.

Skip the motrin, your risk of bleeding from this point until about day 14 increases as the scabs come off.


New Hampshire
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Post by New Hampshire » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:17 am

Hang in there. Each day forward from this point gets a little bit better. Really. The improvements may be small at first, but don't get discouraged, because one day--sort of all of a sudden--you will feel like the pain was never there.

Of course, the pain wasn't the worst part for me; it was the liquid pain killer and antibiotics, which were all sweet and cherry flavored--like children's medicine. At first, the taste was, well, pleasing. Later, between the medicine and Popsicles, etc., I felt my diet was 100% cherry-flavored Karo Syrup. All I could think is, why can't someone make hamburger-flavored liquid painkiller? Or how about a tuna-melt-flavored antibiotic? Anyway, to this day (8 years later), I am still repulsed by any food that is flavored sweet cherry. <grin>

Seriously, after a few weeks I felt so good that my wife and I went to Hawaii. I felt so good, in fact, that it was truly one of the best vacations ever. So maybe now is a good time to look over some travel brochures....


Post by SLEEPYCD » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:22 am

I'm sorry to hear you are in such pain. (I remember crying while trying to get liquid pain/antibiotics down my throat). Did you try the ice packs?? Put them around your throat, kinda numbed my pain, helped me alot. Also, try the baby spill-proof cups and just let the liquid (juice,water, tea) just dribble down your throat. Do you have any throat spray? I used that also, it kinda' burns at first, but numbs the throat!!! Do stay away from Motrin (Tynenol 8 hr is good to use & safe). Hang in there and in the near future, you can buy a smaller pair of jeans and reward yourself for being "A SURVIVOR"!!!!!!! Take good care of yourself!!!!!!
(a fellow survivor)

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Post by tomjax » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:54 am

Wish you well aand hope it stops your apnea problem.

I hope you will come back in a year and give us an update on your condition.

Sleeping With The Enemy
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Post by Sleeping With The Enemy » Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:21 am

Another thing, I don't know if I mentioned it is using the chloreseptic spray with a little mineral oil added to it....its something my ENT is telling all of his patients to use.

As the scabs come off in the next week or so, your going to notice that your throat is not only sore, but bone dry. It worked for me, may work for you.

I also used the chloreseptic lozenges honey or cherry flavor, helped numb things.

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unbearable pain

Post by ljmcd » Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:55 pm

The pain was even worse today. Hurt so bad I couldn't take the medicine. Took almost an hour to swallow 3 ccs. Ate nothing today. 1 cup of herbal tea was about it. Actually broke down and called the dr. in tears. Nurse said that this must be the pain part and promised me it would get better. My husband had them put cherry flavoring in the Hycet (gross), but it actually took some of the zing away. Took a hall pass to Walmart and walked up and down the food aisles like some wanton person. "Oh, if only I could eat some hamburger helper, or Yum, fish sticks". You know things are bad when that happens. Hoping tomorrow is a better day. I am going to try to take my drugs, get my icepack and go to bed. Yes, I am dropping the pounds, but a Whataburger sure does sound good!


Post by SLEEPYCD » Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:02 am

My heart goes out to you, keep the faith!!! Just try to remember, one more week and you will be feeling alot better!!! I'm so glad you got some ice packs, it will help!!! Yes, it's hard to get the medicine down, but you have to do it!!! For me it got alot worse before it got better (I'm being honest here, so sugar coating). When I finally got well enough to eat regular food, all I wanted to eat was fast food, all the unhealthy stuff!!!! Be careful. Make sure that hubby is taking care of you and tell the kids that their Mommy needs lots of hugs and kisses!!!!! Take care and keep us posted.