ATTENTION: eBay's New CPAP Gear Policy

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ATTENTION: eBay's New CPAP Gear Policy

Post by hoodedknight » Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:31 am

I have heard that as of 10-18-04,eBay will no longer allow the sale of cpap masks, hoses, filters or CPAP units.

Last night they cleared out the entire cpap catagory.

I called eBay and it is true. They are going to blast even the smallest cpap related item.

This is not good. It looks like we are going to have to look elsewere.



Oh Well

Post by B4Sleeper » Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:37 am

Usually buying medical equipment on ebay is risky anyway. I know a lot of people do it but I think it's best to try to get the stuff new for sure.

Ebay used to run a lot of CPAP auctions and the people selling didnt require a preseciption.

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CPAP on eBay

Post by wading thru the muck! » Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:49 am

I can still find many CPAP items listed on eBay - including machines - but I know from experience that eBay can "cancel" a transaction even after an item has been won and paid for.

Good luck to those who are buying or selling CPAP on eBay.
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!



Post by guest » Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:00 pm

but do you Yahoo?

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Post by Titrator » Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:45 pm

It looks as if eBay really has stopped allowing posts for any type of cpap supplies.

There is nothing under cpap or bipap or anything sleep apnea.


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Post by wading thru the muck! » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:27 pm

Even though some items show up on a search they show as invalid when viewed

- one more bad policy decision by eBay!

It leads one to believe in those "BIG MEDICINE" conspiricy theories. There is no medically sound reason that CPAP accesories can not be safely sold on eBay.

Healthcare needs a big dose of free market capitalism to fix it's problems. The online CPAP prices are evidence of that. Why should one pay an $1100 premium to have a local DME tell you that you can't get the model you what and should buy what they have to sell.

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My opinion...........

Post by Kristy5550 » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:36 pm

Isn't it a bit risky to buy medical equipment on ebay?
Who do you get to check it out etc. to make sure it is working properly?
My O2 company takes care of mine for me.
I am not trying to be mean, just do not want anyone to get hurt.
Sweet dreams,
Kris :-)


Online Shopping

Post by hoser » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:54 pm

Well, if it is new in unopened package, how much extra should be paid to get it from a homecare company? It is so much cheaper to get stuff online.

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buying CPAP on eBay

Post by wading thru the muck! » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:56 pm


I appreciate your concern and I'm not in favor of buying on eBay if you do not feel safe about what you are getting. You are lucky if your supplier is servicing you well. My experience so far has not been good and I have not even purchased my first unit. Of the 5 DMEs on my insurance provider list 3 are no longer in business and the other 2 are unresposive to my questions. The local DMEs prices are also 3 times the best online price. How can they justify this. I would hate to be without insurance and be looking at $2000 for an auto-pap machine. A slightly used machine from eBay is better than none at all for someone who may have no option. For people in this situation I think this is much safer than ignoring the problem.

Thanks for your caring comments
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!


I guess I am VERY fortunate.................

Post by Guest » Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:05 pm

My DME has even given me 2 masks free of charge trying ho help me get the right combination.
I agree, getting it online is better than not getting it at all.
My concern was making sure it was set at the correct pressure etc.
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EBay Experiences

Post by 53now » Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:06 pm

I bought 3 different masks on Ebay. (one from an individual, 2 from a Cpap Supplier) Maybe I just "got lucky" , but I had no problems. The savings were unreal. Since Ebay is not an option.............hummmm wonder how I can sell my new "Aclaim2 nasal mask"? Any ideas ????
I'm new to this fourm. Love it !! I'm a Bipap user for 5 years

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Post by wading thru the muck! » Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:38 am

Try Yahoo auctions - there are still CPAP items listed.

The other option is to list it on eBay "BUY-IT-NOW" IMMEDIATE PAYMENT REQ'D and see if someone buys it before eBay cancels the auction. They are not very vigilant in policing listing of "banned" items". eBay can still cancel the transaction retroactively and you would loose the ability to give/receive feedback but as long as the seller/buyer are committed to complete the transaction it can be completed.

I know this advice may concern some of you because you feel it is not safe to buy these items from anyone other than a DME. I do not think anyone should buy and use an item if they feel it is unsafe, but many users are very competent and able to make good use of an item that is of no use to the current owner.

The online auction services have been a great place to "recycle" perfectly functional items that otherwise would go to waste.
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!

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Yahoo Auctions

Post by johnny » Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:04 pm


Yahoo Auctions are a pragmatic option but there are drawbacks.

1. Safety. Purchasing CPAPs without a prescription is illegal. Do you want to trust your health to someone who is willing to break the law to sell you your device?

2. Fraud. Ebay and Yahoo Auctions were in much closer competition a few years ago, but Yahoo Auctions were negatively affected by a high rate of fraud. The stigma still hurts them today, although it is most likely under control now.

3. Volume. Why would you sell on Yahoo Auctions, where traffic and therefore prices tend to be lower, unless you had a bad wrap with Ebay and were forced to? Sure, there are legit reasons and it's possible to get a perfectly good mask or even a CPAP off Yahoo but if I personally am purchasing a device that my health will depend on, I'm going to try to play it as safe as I can and buy from established sources.

Really, it comes down to what level of risk you want to take. It's your health and your money.

The pricing of each method of equipment vending: Auction, Website, or DME reflects to some extent the amount of support they are able to provide. I doubt many Ebay sellers offer 800 numbers or can suggest a mask and size it. From what others post, it seems like not all DMEs are very concerned with making sure you do have equipment that meets your needs.

Since I'm involved in running it, I do have a bias towards the Website method of vending equipment. Even more specifically, I have a firm belief that does the best job of taking care of customers in the Website category. When you look at what provides and at what cost it provides it, our method of vending equipment begins to make a lot of sense objectively. It's significantly cheaper than your DME, provides a very high level of care and information, and is a legit business that shows more of the positive effects of a free market than suspect Ebay vendors or Insurance bloated DMEs.

All of that to say, the auctions were pulled because they were illegal. They were illegal because they were and are a harmful method of distribution. Despite that, if you choose to purchase equipment in that way, it MAY go well. If you purchase equipment through, it WILL go well.

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What do I do with my Mask?

Post by 53now » Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:27 am

Well........after reading all of the comments about this business of obtaining Cpap equipment via auctions, I just have one question....................What am I supposed to do with my brand new Aclaim2 Cpap mask ? I bid on 2 items via Ebay. I was surprised when I won both. Now I have a perfectly good mask (still in the box) that I will never use. ANY suggestions !

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CPAP supplier DME/website/eBay

Post by wading thru the muck! » Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:28 am


I agree with all of your points and I'll say again that one should not purchase CPAP equipment if they don't feel it's safe.

I have spent the last 2+ months researching/negotiating my first CPAP purchase. By far your website is the most cooperative/comprehensive supplier I have talked to.

My personal experience with local DME's has not given me a feeling of safety. I have heard claims that the equipment I want does not work and I should buy the equipment that they sell. The scarry thing is that the products one says do not work the next DME recommends. All of this at a price 2-3 times the online suppliers. I know that my insurance will pay for it whether the amount is $2400 or $800 and that may be the source of the problem, but my experience is I would not get any extra level of service from the local DME for that extra money.

As far as the role of eBay/Yahoo I agree there is a risk of fraud but if you are an experienced user you can usually spot it. eBay is a great place to sell/buy things (CPAP or not) that are no longer of use to the current owner and of value to the buyer. Is it really dangerous to buy a spare hummidifier or a mask that someone tried for a couple of hours one night and did not like?

Remember we all go into a public restroom and sit our bare butts down in the same place as hundreds of others have

Finally, thanks to you and your family/staff for providing a fantastic service to the CPAP community. Your website is easy to navigate. Your comparison charts are comprehensive and invaluable. The news letters are great and your phone/email support is fast and reliable. And of course the cpaptalk forum and it's members (especialy rested gal) are the best resource for actual "in the field" info.

A nonpartisian side note in this week before this presidential election. The solution to the high cost of health care can be dramatically helped by providers like
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!