Physological impact

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Re: Physological impact

Post by preemiern » Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:50 pm

klockemy wrote:
preemiern wrote:
klockemy wrote:Emotional tenor? How does one do that on electronic communications? I can say "you're a jerk", and you can't tell my demeanor. Only if I "you're a jerk " or "YOU'RE A JERK " can you really tell. Just because I don't cry on everyone's shoulder, does it mean that I am an @--hole.

If they can't do their job efficiently, then they should. How do you like calling customer support and get someone you can't understand?

Heaven forbid that I mention mispelling on this forum for the fear of being drug into the town square and flogged with cpap hoses......It was merely a point of debate. My entire thought didn't completely revolve around the aforementioned words.....there was more to it than this. If you feel that I am bashing this poor therapist/DME/impersonator, then I am sincerely sorry to all those offended; however, like you, I am entitled to an opinion so don't give me the third degree for expressing it. If you want someone else to yell at, search the forum for Apria haters and give them a go. Here's a start... viewtopic/t42555/Apria-Strikes-again.html
Looks like you need to get your own writing straight before you go attacking've left out words, and screwed up your own punctuation...kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.
Also you should have said "dragged into the town square"...not "drug"...that is the proper form of the word. even misspelled "misspelling"!!!!!
This is not a forum for attacking others based on their writing ability, and I'm not really attacking your writing, just pointing out that we are all capable of not using correct grammer, etc....and that's ok. This is a forum about CPAP and sleep apnea, not a forum for writers.
We want everyone who needs help with sleep issues to feel free to come here, and I don't appreciate folks being attacked based on their ability to spell or write. That therapist is here looking for answers on how to make therapy more tolerable and successful for patients who would otherwise die without it. Give him/her credit for that.

Besides the fact that almost your entire post was contradictory, I never professed to be a professional speller, nor does my job require it. I don't know why everyone is getting hung up on the spelling aspect. It was one point of my statement that has been completely blow out of proportion. If you guys want to linger on it, then go for it. I am done trying to defend myself. It's sad to see, what I thought was nice people, be so narrow minded and get hung up on one part of the big picture. As far as sleep apnea goes, I understand that is why we are all here and I was trying to do the same, but because I didn't phrase something in a way that you like doesn't mean that you can ream me for it. You don't see me overanalyzing your posts, taking parts out of context and making you look like and overall POS because I don't agree with something you say. "Uh oh, Ozij said the word "Chief" that means she is making fun of Native Americans, she hates Native Americans" Quite naïve, huh? If you want to play spelling games, go here if you want to continue what you are doing and learn more about it before accusing someone of it, go here ; otherwise, read the WHOLE thing, take it for what it's worth and move on. You have already beat this dead horse enough.
It was the spirit in which you made the comment and the derogatory way in which you said it...the OP certainly did not deserve to be addressed that way in this's not how we treat newcomers here. We are nice people here, to address what you said in your post above, which is why it was kind of shocking to read your post to the OP saying they should be dumped from their job. Cindy


Posts: 120
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:19 pm

Re: Psychological impact

Post by arthuranxious » Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:39 pm

The patient needs reassurance, and understanding instead of the usual platitudes about how easy it will be to get used to it and how much better you will feel. I have been horrified at the brain dead RTs working for my DME... that part has been a horrible experience. try and talk to your patients and ask them what they are thinking about their first encounter with CPAP.