Awesome pulmonologist experience!

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Awesome pulmonologist experience!

Post by ttg » Thu May 14, 2009 9:03 pm

I went for my first follow-up visit today since starting CPAP therapy and had an awesome experience! I liked the guy from the start but today affirmed my initial impression of him.

I went in to the appointment 'prepared.' First, I had a copy of my sleep study report in hand with questions to ask. More importantly, I said to the doc 'how many patients do you have that bring you this...' and handed him charts of summary data since I started CPAP with some detailed charts drilling down on a single day that seemed most representative of my results from a typical night on CPAP. He laughed and promptly took the reports, asked if he could keep them, and proceeded to review the details. This prompted a great discussion about many things, including my question about target AHI's to which he responded "Zero is good!"

We then began to speak about my current pressure level, which he initially prescribed for the level I was titrated at during my sleep study. The doc asked how I was tolerating my current level because, based on the typical day's detailed events that I showed him, he thought an increase in pressure was warranted to see if we could improve my AHI's. I said I was very open to the idea, anything that would help my OSA.

Seeing that the doctor was 'cool' with the information I had supplied and not feeling that I was infringing upon his territory, I decided to take matters to the next level. I said 'to be brutally honest, I already know how to make adjustments to my machine settings and can easily increase my pressure if you are OK with me doing so.' He laughed, said that since I already had the software and was downloading efficacy data he would have expected nothing less of me at this point! He promptly said that he was OK with me making adjustments as long as I did so in a controlled fashion and that I kept him in the loop with my results, good or especially if bad. We then had a good dialog about how I should approach making adjustments and what symptoms to be aware of if pressure was excessive, and so forth.

My 30 minute visit with the doc ended as follows as we were talking about next steps. He said 'I usually set the next follow-up visit for 3 months but since you seem to be the poster child for CPAP therapy, let's go for 6 months but with the understanding that you will contact my office with any issues you have and that you agree to be methodical about your adjustments and not take anything to an extreme.' I thought, wow, how cool is this!!!!

So, first, I am thankful. Thankful for the education this forum has given me thus far in how to deal with this disease in a proactive fashion. Thankful that I have been fortunate thus far to have had only positive experiences with my DME, RT, and pulmonologist.

Next, while I don't feel qualified yet to offer any expert advice to anyone, I decided to share this story with the hope that my experience will motivate others to try to develop a good/better rapport with their health care professionals as I have thus far, and to illustrate that it IS possible. I have read about a lot of bad experiences that others have had and can only suggest that you keep trying until you find the right professionals that will work as a team with you. And, most of all, take small steps when revealing what you have learned from the CPAP underground . Test the waters at every step and don't go too far if they are not open to what you have to share. If they are not willing to work together with you, then consider looking for a different professional.

Best regards to all...


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Re: Awesome pulmonologist experience!

Post by woozle » Thu May 14, 2009 9:08 pm

That is so great to hear!!! I am glad you are doing well and being pro active. Sounds like your doc was impressed!

I am curious, you doctor is a pulminologist not a 'sleep doc'? I have been on cpap for over 3 years now and doing pretty well but continuing issues with swallowing air no matter what and wonder if a pulmonologist would be the place to go as my experience with sleep docs has not been good.

Anyway, just wondering and again great to see a positive post, thanks!!!!

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Re: Awesome pulmonologist experience!

Post by ttg » Thu May 14, 2009 9:18 pm


I am really not familiar with what sort of doc one is normally referred to for OSA. My primary physician referred me to this doc who is an MD with the following specialties as noted in his profile: Pulmonology - Critical Care, Sleep Medicine - Pulmonary Medicine, Sleep Medicine, Pulmonology, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care. He is also a diplomate, American Board of Sleep Medicine.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Awesome pulmonologist experience!

Post by robertmarilyn » Thu May 14, 2009 9:19 pm

Great work Dom,

You get the "I am not a Mushroom" stamp of approval!!!!!
rooster wrote:Diabetes professionals approach: Educate the patients and put the patients in control of monitoring BG levels and adjusting medications, insulin, diet, and exercise.

Sleep professionals: Mushroom approach - Cover them with manure and keep them in the dark.
