Nosebleeds from hell (and high BP)

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Post by Guest » Fri May 13, 2005 9:26 pm


I think its time to dump that Byyyocthhhh. who is she to infer that. She probably has some big chip on her shoulder that since she is only a nurse practitioner that people don't take her as seriously and question her tooo much.

You don't need those kind of doctors...

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Post by LDuyer » Fri May 13, 2005 11:07 pm

Say, good point you've got there!

I had more respect for the assistant who did all the hard work, like take blood, give me my EKG, etc.

Thanks. Now I don't feel like I was overeacting like this NP made me feel. In fact, you know, she sounded very condenscending, like I was stupid. Even my regular Doc, when I made him call me because I was so worried about my blood pressure, he never made me feel bad once, and said it was wise that I contacted him. Next time I will insist on the regular doctor. To hell with her. Ha!


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Post by JimH » Sat May 14, 2005 10:01 pm

sorry Linda. I was guest. Just keep forgettin to login. Don't go back to her. She aint worth the trouble. Glad you went to your regular guy.


Post by Guest » Sat May 14, 2005 10:23 pm


I'm glad to know you were the guest.
I'm most grateful for you comment, because I was beginning to think maybe I am a hypchondriac (and god knows, I don't want to be my grandmother!). I'm a wimp when it comes to doctors and such.

But you're wrong, I haven't yet gone back to the regular doctor. But this NP has me coming back in three weeks to see if my BP is regulated. At that time I will insist on the regular doctor. Of course, if I still get worried, I'll call him, not the charming bitch, as you so eloquently put it.

I will keep your words in mind whenever I go into a doctor's office with trepidation.


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Post by LDuyer » Sat May 14, 2005 10:25 pm

Oops! That was me as guest. Seems I did the same thing as you!

Aren't we a fine pair!


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Post by Dan01 » Sun May 15, 2005 1:22 am

My BP has been 140 for as long as I can remember. I went to the doctor a couple months ago and it was 170. OMG. I am taking 20 MG now and am trying to keep it down to 140 or below. The other night I was uptight and it shot up to 164 again.

I have found that if I do an aerobic for 20 minutes I can bring it down 12 points or so.

It still worries me. I am thinking of taking an extra half pill a day until I get in to see the doctor again.

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Post by LDuyer » Sun May 15, 2005 4:30 am

Hi Dan,

When I called my doctor, alarmed about my high BP spike, he said to take a half pill along with the other. He said it was a good idea and wouldn't cause problems (that's what I feared, for I don't like increasing meds without consulting a doctor). So it sounds like it's OK to do.

Good luck. I feel with our OSA condition, it's wise to check with the doctor.

I hear something funny from my Dentist. He's European. I had told him I was concerned about my high BP. He told me that Europeans look a the blood pressure numbers differently than Americans. Now, I don't know if he was right or just fooling with me. But he said there that for adults they take one's age and 100 to get the "normal" blood pressure. So he says if you were 40, your acceptable BP would be 140, and of course that would go up with age. But he said it's different in the U.S. Strange, I thought.


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Post by Dan01 » Sun May 15, 2005 8:13 pm

Thank you Linda

My mom said something like what you said - take an extra half pill. I might do it. I did eat a little extra sugar the day that my BP went up. It is usually a little over 140 during the day, but drops below after I exercise.

Since I have been on APAP I have been eating fish almost once a day. I exercise almost every day. I am over weight still, but am working on that also. My triglycerides dropped 1 from 300 to 200 in one month. I think it was because of the fish. My cholesterol is low, but so is the good cholesterol.

I also fear a stroke like you. I keep hoping to feel better. I have friends that lost quite a bit of weight on CPAP. I hope to do the same.

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Post by LDuyer » Sun May 15, 2005 8:26 pm


I should take a lesson from you, about the fish and exercising.
Sounds like you're on the right track.


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Post by Dan01 » Sun May 15, 2005 9:13 pm

LDuyer wrote:Dan,

I should take a lesson from you, about the fish and exercising.
Sounds like you're on the right track.

My BP is still high, but maybe that extra 10mg will help. I will keep you updated.

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Post by Dan01 » Sun May 15, 2005 10:08 pm

The fish is battered, BTW. It does not taste fishy, but I think it is better than other OMEGA sources. I try to eat a good amount of veggies also.

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Post by JimH » Mon May 16, 2005 9:45 pm

Drink lots of water and walk at brisk pace. Drinking lots of water actually helps you to lose weight. (Or so they say)Dan, get rid of the batter fish and try a piece of tilapia with a little seasoning. it is much better for you.

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Post by Dan01 » Tue May 17, 2005 12:57 am

JimH wrote:Drink lots of water and walk at brisk pace. Drinking lots of water actually helps you to lose weight. (Or so they say)Dan, get rid of the batter fish and try a piece of tilapia with a little seasoning. it is much better for you.
I don't want to spend too much money. Is it expensive? How often do you eat it?

My mom is on a water pill for High Blood Pressure. My wife tells me that extra water actually adds pressure to the blood.

I drink about a gallon or more a day. I do like to sweat about 30 minutes before I get to sleep. I hope that removes the excess water.

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Post by G00fy217 » Tue May 17, 2005 7:04 am


I tried Tilapia a few days ago.... it is really pretty good, doesn't taste "Fishy" either! I am not big on eating fish that taste "fishy", so this was a very good thing! And it didn'y cost too much either.... I bought a large bag of it at Sam's Club and they are individually wrapped, so you don't have a bunch of fish stuck to one another and have to thaw the whole thing out to eat one!

And, as for the two of you! CONSULT with your DOCS before just taking extra meds!!! Just because Mom says it's ok, doesn't make it ok! And just because it was ok for Linda to take the extra 1/2 pill, doesn't mean it is ok for you, Dan! Her meds (and combination of meds) may be very different from yours and may re-act very differently!!! So, CONSULT WITH YOUR DOC FIRST!!!

Sorry, my mom did the same thing as you guys want to do.... and it wasn't good for her... she wound up in the hospital... so, she now has learned her lesson!! DON'T DO IT!!! CALL YOUR DOC!!

Laughter never killed anyone..... Go ahead, laugh! It's good for you!! ;-)

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Post by G00fy217 » Tue May 17, 2005 7:09 am

Oh, and Linda,

Your high BP may be because you worry too much!! That's my mom's problem too! She seems to worry too much about what other people think, that she forgets to just relax and think of herself instead! This causes her blood pressure to go up all the time!! So, I do have to scoll her evey now and again to remind her not to worry about others, just think about yourself!!!

If so and so isn't talking to you..... BIG DEAL!!! They weren't your friend then in the first place! So, the cat missed the litter box, no biggy.... clean it up and go on with your day! So, the mailman is late..... BIG DEAL!!! That's one less bill to look at right now! Etc........ You get what I am telling you? DON'T STRESS OUT ABOUT THE UNIMPORTANT THINGS....... AND DON'T STRESS OUT JUST TO STRESS OUT!!!

Take care!
Laughter never killed anyone..... Go ahead, laugh! It's good for you!! ;-)