Hypoxia and adhesions?

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Hypoxia and adhesions?

Post by USMCVet » Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:15 am

So I had surgery end of February to remove part of colon and gallbladder. I have been having issues since surgery and have another one scheduled soon to look for and address adhesions.

Anyone have something similar happen to them? I also found this interesting article https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 007-0338-x .
While in hospital for first few days I couldn't wear cpap because they wouldn't let me use mine or a humidifier. I was way to uncomfortable to sleep with it. So I know I was hypoxic. I wonder if this could be contributing to my issues? This upcoming surgery will be outpatient so hopefully recovery goes well.

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Re: Hypoxia and adhesions?

Post by Julie » Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:28 am

If you were hypoxic in hospital, they would have known about it and done something.

Abdominal adhesions from previous surgery are common.

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Re: Hypoxia and adhesions?

Post by USMCVet » Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:25 am

Julie wrote:
Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:28 am
If you were hypoxic in hospital, they would have known about it and done something.

Abdominal adhesions from previous surgery are common.
I spent 4 days or so in hospital and wasn't hooked up to monitors. Sure they checked vitals including sp02 but I was awake for that.

My sleep apnea was controlled well with 6 to 20 but they had to bump up minimum to 10 because even with ahi less then 1 I was under 92% spo2 for over half the night and under 88% for 93 minutes. Couple that with tons of pain killers and I would bet serious money I had hypoxia while I slept.

I have read that adhesions are really common. If people feel this way after abdominal surgeries I don't know how they do it.
Besides abdominal pain my whole body hurts and massage seems to help take the edge off for a week or so.

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Re: Hypoxia and adhesions?

Post by Julie » Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:49 am

Maybe the surgeon just wasn't much good - not refined about what he/she did. Maybe it'll just take longer to feel better.

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Re: Hypoxia and adhesions?

Post by USMCVet » Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:01 am

Maybe, he seemed pretty surprised and he seems good, he's private practice with all 5 star reviews. I haven't had some listen to me like he does. Surgeries were done laparoscopically at same time. Well colon was done robotically but same thing.

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Re: Hypoxia and adhesions?

Post by nicholasjh1 » Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:28 am

I know it's too late, but I would scream bloody murder and demand to see the Administration etc until they let me use my CPAP. Threaten class action law suit for forcing me to pay for and use their CPAP etc. Sometimes it's appropriate to Karen it up.
Instead of Sleep apnea it should be called "Sleep deprivation, starving of oxygen, being poisoned by high CO2 levels, damaging the body and brain while it's supposed to be healing so that you constantly get worse and can never get healthy Apnea"

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Re: Hypoxia and adhesions?

Post by USMCVet » Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:17 am

I told the nurses I was going to use my own and you should of seen their faces. Looking back at it now it's kinda sad they were content with me not using the supplied machine because I couldn't sleep with it without humidifier then allow me to use my own.

I could use my own mask though.

This time should be different as the plan is for me to go home same day instead of multiple night's in hospital. We'll see though because even when I had tonsillectomy as kid they threatened me catheter if I didn't pee because of the after effects of anesthesia and that was difficult to get going.

Going to ask surgeon as well about massage. If I do have adhesions I don't want then coming back so I want to make sure I don't go hypoxic at all and hope that massage will help prevent anything from attaching to other things. I guess adhesions form in hours to first 3 days after surgery. After that they can thicken and tighten.

There has been some rat studies that back up massage helping saying more studies would be needed.

10 to 15 cm h20