CPAP selling question

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CPAP selling question

Post by Liam1965 » Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:16 pm


Since I've not been successful on CPAP (and haven't even tried it in months), I suppose I might as well rid myself of the machine, but I don't know what the legality is.

I know that in order to buy a machine, you need a prescription. Does that mean that if I sell my old machine to someone, and they don't have a prescription, I'm violating the same laws as if I sell my prescription medication to someone for whom they were not prescribed?

I really don't want to post an ad on here, because I know the friendly folks at CPAP.COM who host this site for us make their living by selling these machines, and I don't want to use their resources to take money out of their pockets. On the other hand, I don't believe either Yahoo or Ebay auctions accepts CPAPs for sale.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Liam, who also has a book of his humor columns for sale, pretty soon on Amazon.


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Post by rustynail » Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:30 pm

Hi Liam!

I have seen others sell their used or unwanted equipment here so I don't see why you could not. Others come here looking to buy unwanted equipment because they need to save some money or just want a backup. Why don't you tell us what xpap it is and anyone interested can PM you...

I am really, really sad to hear that you can not make this work for you, it could be so beneficial for your health.

Tricia: who is saddened by Liam's decision.... no happy dance tonight.

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Post by Liam1965 » Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:38 pm

rustynail wrote:Tricia: who is saddened by Liam's decision.... no happy dance tonight.
Don't be. Things are going well. Baby Liam is about to be one and seriously daddy-fixated. I'm sleeping better than I used to. I've lost about 10 lbs (although I can't seem to lose any more). Janet continues to be a wonderful wife over two years in.

I'm just pretty convinced I won't be using the machine anymore, so I might as well sell it to someone who might get some use out of it, and perhaps get a bit of my investment back.

Liam, pretty up-beat for a fat guy who can't breathe when he sleeps.


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Post by rested gal » Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:39 pm

ditto to everything Tricia said.

Liam, you're right that eBay doesn't allow cpap machines. A few slip in through careful omission of certain words and get listed for a few hours or a day. If a prospective buyer is quick to make contact with the seller by email, they can proceed privately.

Yahoo auctions has no restriction. CPAP machines are still auctioned openly there. Craigs List is another possibility.

Best of luck to you, Liam. You tried hard.

Keep visiting and posting here anyway, friend!
Last edited by rested gal on Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by oldgearhead » Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:39 pm

I don't believe either Yahoo or Ebay auctions accepts CPAPs for sale.
Yahoo yes, eBay no. No you can't sell it. You must be buried with it. Or, you could give it to me.

Mask: Hybrid Full Face CPAP Mask with Nasal Pillows and Headgear
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Post by TXKajun » Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:03 pm

Liam!! How great to hear from you again!!!!!!!!!!

My sympathy for you not being able to get the XPAP therapy working.

But, it sounds like you've done pretty darn good, though! Married almost 2 years now, new baby......wowzers! Major congratulations!

I second (or third or whatever) the Yahoo auction site. Another thing to consider, though, I seem to recall that there is a site that offers XPAPs for folks that can't afford them, a charity kind of thing. You might want to research and consider that as an option, maybe. I'm not sure of the name of the place or anything, but it shouldn't be too hard for a bright guy like you to find.

Anywho, best of luck to you and may you and your loved ones have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!


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Post by LDuyer » Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:44 pm

Liam, Liam, Liam!

Here are my top three reasons why Liam should hold onto his cpap machine for awhile longer (not in any particular order):

1. Sleep Apnea tends to run in families -- Liam may find an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, someone in the family who might need one, if only as a backup.

2. He could donate his machine to AWAKE in America or somewhere, to someone needy, maybe someone impoverished by Katrina who could use a good nights sleep and better health .... for godsakes, Liam, you can't possibly need the money!

3. So long as he has ownership, he can still feel comfortable about coming and posting fun stories at cpaptalk (ok, it's a stretch of a reason, but I tried -- besides, I needed a third reason).


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Post by tater pie » Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:07 pm

Do you have a Craig's List in your area? They sell them on the Dallas/Ft. Worth Craig's list allof the time and they buyers are ususally local. You might give that a try.

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bipap pro2 cflex

Post by jondough » Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:29 pm

while on the topic, i have a bipap pro2 used for a year and half in excellent condition, hh, bag, etc, and provider manual that i do not need any more as i acquired an auto. always used distilled water. interested? pm reasonable offer or req phone to discuss. thanks.


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Post by Liam1965 » Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:17 pm

A quick note to the four people who have expressed interest (in e-mail or private messages) in the machine...

I was away for the weekend and only just found your messages.

I'll respond to each of you with specifics about the machine and what's associated with it. If someone can remind me how to get the thing to tell me how many hours it's been operated, I'll pass that on as well.

Liam, who will be sad to see the machine go, in much the same way he'd be sad to see he lazy, good for nothing brother get off the couch and move into his own place.


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Post by -SWS » Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:40 am

Liam1965 wrote: Liam, who will be sad to see the machine go, in much the same way he'd be sad to see he lazy, good for nothing brother get off the couch and move into his own place.
Hey, Liam, I understand a couch vacancy is starting to shape up over at your house. Better not sell that CPAP after all, my hoseless friend! I'll be needing it for my many couch naps over at your place. I like to pack light!

Gotta go. But before signing off, I should probably query to find out exactly which video games you guys have set up across from that couch. Also wondering just what kind of snacks and meals you and Janet serve. Needless to say I am very excited about this new phase in my life! I look forward to saving a huge wad of cash on my monthly living costs.

Thank you so much for the implied invitation, Liam!

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CPAP alt

Post by snork1 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:26 pm

Liam1965, I am just curious as to how you ARE planning on dealing with your Apnea?

Are you one of the REALLY lucky ones where losing a few pounds has cured you? (I have a bro-in-law that claims that happened for him)

I struggled with CPAP for 3 years and it helped a bit, but CPAP itself was making a mess of my sleep.

I finally went the dental device route and so far its working great for me, although like with CPAP, it doesn't work for everyone. Although sometimes I wonder if the percentages would meet or exceed CPAP "sucess" IF it was TRIED in more cases.

Anyway, its an alternative experiment to try that certainly is cheaper than a casket required for an early death from heart failure. And if it works for you, the reward is significant. I sleep better than I EVER did and feel more rested than I EVER did on CPAP.

and its "reversible" unlike some of the surgery alternatives

for more info or discussion check out the "dental sleep forum".

What you read above is only one data point based on one person's opinion.
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Post by krousseau » Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:11 pm

If you really did XPAP for 3 months--6 hours a night for 3 months-and can really say to liam and Liam Jr that you tried everthing--read no more.

Well went to read all of Liam's posts-truthfully I didn't read all 65 pages of them though. I was trying to understand why a young guy with a new wife and an even newer Liam Jr would give up on XPAP. Yeah I read the part where you are "borderline" (OSA of course), are doing serious singing that might help your throat muscles, or might be a person who needs the extra CO2. If I read right-you TRIED for 2-3 months. If you had written "I DID it for 3 months-and it didn't work" it would be more convincing. It is more impressive to DO rather than TRY. Trying gives me too much room for excuses and not doing it. Someone has commented here that I seem to be one of the few people CPAP worked well for--"out of the box"--here is what really happened--when I was diagnosed with OSA I started reading about OSA & CPAP. I already had risk factors for coronary artery disease. I already had chronic insomnia as well as OSA. I read about people not being able to adapt to CPAP--if I had to use Ambien every night so be it--failure was not an option. I decided I would use the CPAP every night for 6 hours. Tried on masks--got a Rx for Ambien--designed headgear to keep the mask on & mouth closed--saw a sleep psychologist (I'm borderline too). Sinus infection, blisters, mouth openings--whatever happened there was a way around it--CPAP continued.
If you have really done everything you and all the folks here have thought of, and really have DONE it for 2-3 months. What does trying mean to you? You may have posted the details before-but I didn't find them. And I would not ask you to detail that here. Just want you to go over it again with Liam and Liam Jr. Make a checklist for Liam and Liam Jr and check off all the things you tried--just make sure there isn't more you would be willing to do before you send off that XPAP. Or even be willing to start over-make a contract with Liam Jr and DO it for 6 hours a night for 3 months.

If you live long enough someday you are going to have to convince Liam Jr to keep doing something you think he should do.

I am now applying the DO IT philosophy to losing weight-it is harder than CPAP-but down 20 lb.[/i]

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Post by -SWS » Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:46 pm

I distinctly remember Liam being extremely CPAP intolerant at any pressure---high, low, or anything in between. I also remember him diligently trying CPAP, then diligently trying AutoPAP---both to no avail. There are definitely some people out there who just cannot tolerate CPAP pressure. My understanding is that CSDB/CompSAS patients tend to be this way. I can distinctly remember that Liam was so CPAP intolerant during his PSG, that his sleep tech couldn't even get a few solid minutes of titration data on Liam.

I agree with Snork. I think Liam should strongly consider combining pillar and dental. While pillar and dental definitely aren't for everyone, there are some people who fare much better with those treatment methods than CPAP. Not only is CPAP therapy not one size fits all, the same can be said for apnea therapy in general.

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Post by Liam1965 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:54 pm

-SWS wrote:I distinctly remember Liam being extremely CPAP intolerant at any pressure---high, low, or anything in between. I also remember him diligently trying CPAP, then diligently trying AutoPAP---both to no avail. There are definitely some people out there who just cannot tolerate CPAP pressure. My understanding is that CSDB/CompSAS patients tend to be this way. I can distinctly remember that Liam was so CPAP intolerant during his PSG, that his sleep tech couldn't even get a few solid minutes of titration data on Liam.
Pretty much all true. When I say I "tried" I mean I habitually used the mask 3 nights out of four for two months on CPAP and another 3 once I got the APAP machine.

Why not the fourth night? Because I never, in all the time I used it, could get any reliable sleep with the mask on and the hose blowing. And so that fourth night I'd either be so exhaused that I'd fall asleep before getting the mask on, or I'd recognize that I needed SOME sleep, and I'd not try for that night.

I will admit that many of the nights I DID use the machine, I'd get so frustrated around 3:30 or 4am (knowing I had to be up at 6:30) that I'd rip the mask from my head in disgust and fling it across the room and then (finally) sleep some without the mask on.

Trust me, folks, I understand the health risks of untreated apnea. And if there were any solution here for me, I'd stick with it. But the simple fact is that some sleep with poor breathing (my O2 sats never dropped significantly during my sleep study, so we're really just talking about regular interuptions of sleep at this point) is better than almost no sleep with regular breathing.

I love the fact that you all care so much and want to see me do well. And I certainly will spend some time looking into the alternatives people have posted. But I honestly don't believe that the xPAP is for me.

Liam, running short on "signing statements".
