mask is moving my teeth

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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by fadedgirl » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:36 am

RedBackFur wrote:
My jaw realigns every night, and my molars usually won't fully contact till mid day.


I am surprised that everyone's dentists seem unconcerned about this. I can't wait to hear what mine has to say. I didn't think anything would make me stop cpap, but having my teeth loose and moving might qualify.

I am switching back to a FF mask tonight in the hopes that will alleviate it, the F&P one that goes under the chin a tad. I could never get it to stop leaking the times I tried it before, so I'm crossing my fingers.

I *think* I noticed my teeth hurting even after using the Swift FX (although much less than with the nasals), which might mean that my tongue is applying pressure to my teeth due to my mouth being shut all night. So for me, it might not be a mask issue. If I can't get the F&P full to seal I'll use the FX if congestion allows. I am dreading waking up in the morning with a very painful mouth again, waaaa!

Mask: FlexiFit HC431 Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Aussie Heated Hose!!


Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by LIVE54 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:57 am

Hey All,

Its probably not the mask that is causing the problem as it is your tongue. The pressure builds in the airway forcing the tongue forward, causing tongue thrusting against your teeth. I had the same issue, saw my dentist, he gave me one of those moldable mouth guards (you can buy them for like $15 at any drug store) and that took care of the issue. Some masks seem to exacerbate the issue, as well as the sleeping position. If you sleep on your stomach/side it will be worse than sleeping on your back. But then again sleeping on your back isnt so good for the Apnea...

Good luck...


Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by Shonmarie » Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:21 am

I just came across this discussion. I have been using the Comfort Gel mask for about 5yrs and have had tooth movement of my upper front teeth. Didn't realize it at first, but now have a gap. I went to the dentist and now need to have braces to move them back. I have crowns on most of my upper teeth and the front tooth movement might eventually crack the crowns. The movement has also caused a difference in my bite, causing my lower teeth to shift as well. Has anyone else had anything like this? I'm going this morning to have a panorex and impressions then will get the invisalign braces. Not happy, but at least I can afford it and will have it done. Thanks for any insight anyone can give me!

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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by n0hardmask » Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:56 am

Tooth movement is a pain; gum (periodontal) treatment is a disaster, as JohnBFisher said. Fortunately (didn’t think of it as fortunate, though) I began a bruxism mouth guard a couple years ago so I was used to wearing that on my top teeth when I started CPAP this summer. I think I’d go along with the idea of at least using a boil-n-bite, and maybe a dentist made one. I find the mouth guard seems to help me keep the ole mouth shut better as well.

Mask: Mirage Quattro™ Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: S9 VPAP™ Adapt SV 14/8; bruxism nightguard, Zeo Bedside
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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by Sudaloo » Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:42 am

My bottom teeth have been badly affected by all the full masks I have tried, and I can not go with the nasal did not work for me. My problem is I only have 7 bottom front teeth and wear a full upper denture and partials for the bottom. I can not wear my dentures at night. The bottom of the mask puts pressure just at the bottom of my gum line where the front teeth sit . I wake up with VERY sore gums there, and my partials are no longer fitting right as my teeth are shifting! I try to pull the mask down a little so it will not put pressure there but it will not stay as it wants to sit in the indentation between my chin and lip, which is where the gum line is. My teeth have become loose and I am in fear of having to have them out sooner than I ever would have had to and having to get a full bottom denture too. My dentist has tried to avoid that as full bottom dentures are very hard to use.

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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by chunkyfrog » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:24 pm

I have only had tooth movement with the Mirage Micro.
My best nasal is the easyfit, the cushion actually sucks itself onto my face.
The outer support presses against my cheeks, but no dental pressure.
I'd wear it more if my mouth would cooperate and keep shut.

Mask: AirFit™ P10 For Her Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by avi123 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:54 pm

In my case the most effective solution mask- wise would be to discard my upper and lower removable dentures and to install new implants to hold new screwed denture platforms. Such a procedure could cost $50,000. For those who lost a few teeth and could implant new teeth in the gaps it would cost much less. Both of the above methods depend on the needs of grafting new bones if in the spaces where old teeth were uprooted and the bones there were resorbed (not necessarily receded as John Fisher mentioned).

Mask: Mirage™ SoftGel Nasal CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments:  S9 Autoset machine; Ruby chinstrap under the mask straps; ResScan 5.6
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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by Lida » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:07 am

It's all about the placement of your tongue. It's the tongue putting pressure on the upper or lower teeth that are initiating a problem. I know. I now have gaps. Putting a big piece of plastic in my mouth to prevent doesn't sit well with me either. What to do? hmmmm

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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by chunkyfrog » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:24 am

WRONG! Many people's teeth move due to pressure from an ill-fitting mask.
The only solution is to GET RID OF THE STUPID MASK! (Replace with one that FITS.)
When we are asleep, we have no control over what our tongues do.
But you are welcome to stay awake all night if you think it will help.

Mask: AirFit™ P10 For Her Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Airsense 10 Autoset for Her


Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by trish3333 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:39 am

After years of teeth displacement and gaps and buck teeth and changing from masks to pillows, I finally figured out that this is caused by my tongue pushing forward when using my cpap. There are devices to fix this but I haven't tried them. My beautiful teeth are ruined. Check this out and see if this is not what you do also.

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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by chunkyfrog » Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:29 pm

The original post was in 2010.
Your problem appears to be recent .
"I finally figured out . . . " --please consult a dentist!
Your "diagnosis" may not serve you--but professional assessment could lead you to a solution.
A different mask was my solution--it baffles me why some folks just keep using the bad mask.

Mask: AirFit™ P10 For Her Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by AMESS » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:26 pm

So the question is--who needs braces?

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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by Grace~~~ » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:49 pm

I know this is a really old thread but obviously someone is still having issues. So let me post some good news and encouragement!

It just so happened that I was at the dentist/orthodontist today.

My teeth definitely moved as a result / side effect of cpap/ apnea and I was devastated. I had braces put on a few months ago and I can tell you my top teeth are absolutely beautiful again now. Weirdly, through the braces process, my bottom teeth which hadn't moved from cpap went a tiny bit crooked so we put a powerchain on today and I have no reason to think they will not line up as well.

I have turquoise bands on top and silver powerchains on the bottom and they are so fun!!! The combo makes my teeth look super white and with smile jewelry. I will almost be sad to get them off in a month or two. Almost ... I never wore braces as a kid. But 6 months will be enough for this 'life experience'.

As a side note I love the way my bite feels. I didn't even know it was off until now is so strong. And I had a minor 'click' in my jaw that is gone too.

All the additional water piking and sonic toothbrushes and the constant attention to my mouth the last few months has made my teeth sparkle and my gums look like healthy new pink puppy gums and my breath a minty joy! LOL And any trace of a scalloped tongue is completely gone. Total silver lining.

The real question will be how do I keep everything perfect when the braces come off? I love my dreamwear mask and don't want to blame it. I actually think I was tongue thrusting and maybe it wasn't the mask? IDK? But it was cpap related. Maybe from tongue placement to just keep mask and mouth in position against the airflow? I am not certain?

So, I really don't want to have it happen again. (Since cpap is for life.) And as positive as my braces experience has been, six months will be enough. The dentist said he will discuss my options when we get there. He said "don't worry".

...and while I didn't need another hurdle to overcome ~~~the "CPAP moved my teeth" hurdle was very easy to solve and the results are beautiful. No need to suffer in sadness if your teeth have moved. Fix them!

I've had some real fun with these braces. And it's an easy way to drop five pounds too!
Began XPAP May 2016. Autoset Pressure min. 8 / max 15. Ramp off. ERP set at 2. No humidity. Sleepyhead software installed and being looked at daily, though only beginning to understand the data.


Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by A MESS » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:58 pm

The good news here is that you may not need braces!

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Re: mask is moving my teeth

Post by Gerald? » Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:23 pm

Grace~~~ wrote: The real question will be how do I keep everything perfect when the braces come off? I love my dreamwear mask and don't want to blame it. I actually think I was tongue thrusting and maybe it wasn't the mask? IDK? But it was cpap related. Maybe from tongue placement to just keep mask and mouth in position against the airflow? I am not certain?

So, I really don't want to have it happen again. (Since cpap is for life.) And as positive as my braces experience has been, six months will be enough. The dentist said he will discuss my options when we get there. He said "don't worry".
If it was the mask causing your teeth to move, maybe look at the TAP PAP for a mask? The mouth piece should stop your teeth moving.

Mask: TAP PAP Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Improved Stability Mouthpiece
Additional Comments: Software: Sleepyhead